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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : R�union�2010-09-06�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2010-09-06)�


Initiative "Normes mondiales sur les r�seaux NGN"

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2010-09-06 au 2010-09-16

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultats:25 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�AT�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 870 ]
SAML-based mechanism for Single Sign-off � Alcatel-Lucent, USA and AT&T, USA Q16/13 2010-08-30
[ 669 ]
Update description of switch time and hold-off time about network objects in Y.PTDN_reliablity � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 668 ]
Redefine the protection model in Y.PTDN_realibility � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 666 ]
Proposal for enriching the description of shortest path routing model in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 665 ]
Proposal for enriching the description of routing architecture in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 664 ]
Enrich the content of chapter 8.4.2 in PTDN_reliability � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 663 ]
Proposal for adding the description of link state database in dual path routing model in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 662 ]
Proposal for adding the description of routing architecture in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 661 ]
Proposal for adding the description of forwarding table in dual path routing model in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 660 ]
Proposal for adding the description of alternate routing model in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 659 ]
Add a new section to define the network reliability architecture of PTDN network in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 658 ]
Add a new section about link protection mechanism in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 657 ]
Add a new section for clarifying the relationship among the link protection ,trail protection and subnetwork protection in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-08-25
[ 656 ]
Proposed updates in Introduction, Scope and Definitions to Q.PCNApp � CATR ,Huawei technologies Co. Ltd, Q5/11 2010-08-25
[ 655 ]
Proposed call flow and signalling requirements for Terminating Identification Restriction service in Q.centrexSig � CATR Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-08-25
[ 654 ]
Proposed call flow and signalling requirements for Terminating Identification Presentation service in Q.centrexSig � CATR Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-08-25
[ 634 ]
Flow identification in Q.Flowstatesig � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd,CATR Q5/11 2010-08-24
[ 633 ]
Proposed updates to Q.ANCP � Huawei technologies Co. Ltd,CATR Q5/11 2010-08-24
[ 632 ]
Proposed updates to Q.PCNApp � Huawei technologies Co. Ltd,CATR Q5/11 2010-08-24
[ 630 ]
Q.Flowstatesig - Next steps �
The addendum reproduces TD 490 (GEN/11), a liaison statement from SG 12 to SGs 11 and 13
Juniper Networks , AT&T , Cisco Systems, Inc , Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG , Telefon AB - LM Ericsson , Verizon Communications Corporation Q5/11 2010-08-24
[ 628 ]
Y.2721: Support of Single Sign-On using SIP Digest Credentials � Telcordia Technologies and AT&T Q16/13 2010-08-24
[ 627 ]
Proposal to Progress Draft Y. NGN Certificate Management � Telcordia Technologies and AT&T Q16/13 2010-08-24
[ 626 ]
Y.NGN Certificate Management Baseline Text � Telcordia Technologies and AT&T Q16/13 2010-08-24
[ 625 ]
Editorial Cleanup of Y.2721 � Telcordia Technologies and AT&T Q16/13 2010-08-24
[ 618 ]
Proposed New Supplement TRQ.ets-protocol "Signalling Protocol Mappings in Support of Emergency Telecommunications Service in IP Networks" � Telcordia and AT&T Q13/11 2010-08-24
Resultats:25 documents
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