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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : R�union�2010-01-18�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2010-01-18)�


Initiative "Normes mondiales sur les r�seaux NGN"

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2010-01-18 au 2010-01-29

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultats:31 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q16/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 567 ]
Proposal for updating Security Association establishment between UE and HDF in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 566 ]
Proposal for updating clause 7 for security context transfer in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 565 ]
Proposal for updating clause 6.2.3 for optimized fast re-authentication in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 564 ]
Proposal for updating clause 6.2 in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 563 ]
Proposal for updating clause 6.2 for authentication in different administrative domain in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 562 ]
Proposal for updating Authentication procedure for heterogeneous access network in the same administrative domain in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 561 ]
Proposal for Security between UE and NIRF in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 560 ]
Proposal for Security between UE and L3HEF in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 559 ]
Scope clarification of Y.mobsec in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 558 ]
Proposal for Key material mapping mechanism for authentication in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 557 ]
Proposal for general keying framework for authentication in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-01-11
[ 507 ]
Proposed Appendix to FRA for IdM an illustrative deployment � AT&T , Telcordia Technologies Q5/13, Q16/13 2010-01-08
[ 441 ]
Input text of draft new Recommendation Y.NGN SecRisk, "Security Risk Assessment in NGN" � ETRI Q16/13 2010-01-08
[ 440 ]
Proposal of initial draft recommendation related to "Security assurance for mobile VoIP service." � ETRI Q16/13 2010-01-08
[ 382 ]
Integration of the PKI-based authentication and the SAML assertion mechanisms � Alcatel-Lucent, USA , AT&T, USA Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 381 ]
The use case Single Sign-off Service in ITU-T draft Recommendation Y.ngnIdMreq � Alcalte-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 380 ]
Gaps in the ITU-T draft Recommendation Y.ngnIdMreq � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 379 ]
Comments on clause 9 of the ITU-T draft Recommendation Y.ngnIdMreq � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 378 ]
Comments on clause 8 of the ITU-T draft Recommendation Y.ngnIdMreq � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 377 ]
Comments on clause 7 of the ITU-T draft Recommendation Y.ngnIdMreq � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 376 ]
Comments on clause 6 of the ITU-T draft Recommendation Y.ngnIdMreq � Alcatel-Lucent, USA Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 375 ]
Proposed Requirements - Assurance of User Device Identity and Integrity � Telcordia Technologies Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 374 ]
Proposed IdM Use Case - Assurance of User Device Identity and Integrity � Telcordia Technologies Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 373 ]
Proposed text for section 9.8 (IdM Security) of Y.ngnIdMreq � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 372 ]
Propose text for section (Support of Services Requiring Priority Treatment) of Y.ngnIdMreq � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 371 ]
Proposed text for section 9.5 (Identity Management Federated Identity Functions) of Y.ngnIdMreq � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 370 ]
Y.2704 Editorial Clarifications � Telcordia Technologies Q16/13 2010-01-07
[ 369 ]
Architecture of Secure Mobile Financial Transactions in the Next Generation Networks (NGN) � Telecom Administration of the Russian Federation Q16/13 2010-01-06
[ 368 ]
Security Requirements for Mobile Remote Financial Transactions in the Next Generation Networks (NGN), Y.NGN-Mobile-Financial-Requirements � Telecom Administration of the Russian Federation Q16/13 2010-01-06
[ 347 ]
Proposal to modify Y.mobSec according to latest output of Y.MMCF � CATR,the MIIT of China Q16/13 2010-01-06
[ 346 ]
Proposal modification to clause 7.1 in Y.mobSec � CATR,The MIIT of China Q16/13 2010-01-06
Resultats:31 documents
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