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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG17 : R�union�2006-04-19�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG17� TD-WP1�(2006-04-19)�


Langages et logiciels de t�l�communication

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-04-19 au 2006-04-28

Lieu : Cor�e (R�p. de) [Ile de Cheju]

Autres r�unions : 2009-09-16� 2009-02-11� 2008-09-152008-04-072007-12-102007-09-192007-04-202007-04-182007-04-162006-12-06� [ 2006-04-19 ]� 2006-01-162005-10-052005-03-30

Resultats:15 documents
Documents Temporaires �(WP1) �[�Source:�ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1148-WP1 ]
1st Draft Agenda of the JTC 1/SC 6/ WG 7 Meeting, Wednesday 12-14 June 2006, Prague, Czech Republic [6 N 13072] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q1/17 2006-03-13
[ 1147-WP1 ]
Summary of Voting on SC 6 N13016, Text for 1st CD ballot, ISO/IEC CD 14476-5 (ITU-T X.608) [6 N 13067] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q1/17 2006-03-13
[ 1146-WP1 ]
Summary of Voting on SC 6 N13015, Text for 1st CD ballot, ISO/IEC CD 14476-3 (ITU-T X.607) [6 N 13066] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q1/17 2006-03-13
[ 1145-WP1 ]
Summary of Voting on SC 6 N13014, Text for DCOR ballot, Draft Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 9594-8, 2005 (X.509) [6 N 13065 and 6 N 13063] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-03-13
[ 1144-WP1 ]
Summary of Voting on SC 6 N13013, Text for DCOR ballot, Draft Technical Corrigendum 10 to ISO/IEC 9594-8, 2000 (X.509) [6 N 13064 and 6 N 13063] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-03-13
[ 1143-WP1 ]
Summary of Voting on SC 6 N13012, Text for DCOR ballot, Draft Technical Corrigendum 9 to ISO/IEC 9594-8, 2000 (X.509) [6 N 13061, 6 N 13062 and 6 N 13063] � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-03-13
[ 1142-WP1 ]
Summary of Voting on SC 6 N 12994, Proposal for a New Work Item, Enhancements to communications support for ISO/IEC 9594 (6 N 13056) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-03-13
[ 1140-WP1 ]
Disposition of Comment on ISO/IEC 9594-6:2001. The Directory: Selected attributes, draft Technical Corrigendum 2 (6 N 13042 and 6 N 13044) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-02-22
[ 1139-WP1 ]
Disposition of Comment on ISO/IEC 9594-3:2001. The Directory: Abstract service definition, draft Technical Corrigendum 2 (6 N 13041 and 6 N 13043) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-02-22
[ 1136-WP1 ]
Proposal for a new work item, Enhancements to communications support for ISO/IEC 9594 (6 N 12994) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-02-22
[ 1135-WP1 ]
Summary of voting on SC 6 N 12988, Text for DCOR ballot, draft Technical Corrigendum 2 to ISO/IEC 9594-3:2001 (ITU-T Rec. X.511) (6 N 13032) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-02-22
[ 1134-WP1 ]
Summary of voting on SC 6 N 12954, Proposal for a New Work Item, Mobile Multicast Communications (6 N 13034) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q1/17 2006-02-22
[ 1133-WP1 ]
Summary of voting on SC 6 N 12955, Proposal for a New Work Item, Session Management Protocol (6 N 13035) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q1/17 2006-02-22
[ 1132-WP1 ]
Summary of voting on SC 6 N 12987, Text for DCOR ballot, draft Technical Corrigendum 2 to ISO/IEC 9594-2:2001 (ITU-T Rec. X.501) (6 N 13031) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-02-22
[ 1131-WP1 ]
Summary of voting on SC 6 N 12989, Text for DCOR ballot, draft Technical Corrigendum 2 to ISO/IEC 9594-6:2001 (ITU-T Rec. X.520) (6 N 13033) � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 06 Secretariat Q2/17 2006-02-22
Resultats:15 documents
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