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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG16 : R�union�2008-04-22�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG16� C�(2008-04-22)�


Terminaux, syst�mes et applications multim�dias

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2008-04-22 au 2008-05-02

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-10-032008-09-052008-02-012007-06-262007-03-302006-11-142006-06-132006-04-032005-07-262005-04-082004-11-16

Resultats:25 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Juniper Networks�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 364 ]
Draft H.248.Statistics - Reorganization and cleaning of text � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 363 ]
Draft H.248.57 - Change and clarify procedures for indicating whether RTCP is used and allow port allocation using SDP's "a=rtcp:" attribute � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 362 ]
Draft H.248.57 - Clarification of the procedures' overview � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 361 ]
Draft H.248.53 - Calculation of bucket sizes for IP bearer traffic policing � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 360 ]
Draft H.248.53 - Default values for tman properties � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 359 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Removing the ipf and opf packages � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 358 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Removing support for Gate Management properties on the Root termination � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 357 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Removing the ifb/rr and the ofb/rr properties � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 356 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Changing the type of several Gate Management properties from sub-list to single value � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 355 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Change the type of the properties of ifb and ofb to enumeration � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 354 ]
Draft H.248.43 - RTP and RTCP decimal values for the ipf/ulptm and opf/ulptm properties � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 353 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Changes to the enabling of destination address/port filtering � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 352 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Suggesting new names for properties of the dapf package � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 351 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Clarification of error condition when no Remote Source information is present � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 350 ]
Draft H.248.43 - Behaviour when gm/saf and gm/spf are missing or set to OFF � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 349 ]
Draft H.248.41 Amendment 1 - Sending only deltas in iprap/arc notifications � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 348 ]
Draft H.248.37 Amendment 1 - Change adr/crsa into a statistic � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 347 ]
Draft H.248.37 Amendment 1 - Changes to the syntax of adr/crsa and adr/rsac � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 346 ]
Draft H.248.37 Amendment 1 - Changes to the adr/rsac ABNF � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 345 ]
Draft H.248.37 Amendment 1 - Remove requirements for non-default types of ipnapt/latch � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 344 ]
Draft H.248.37 Amendment 1 - Clarify implicit filtering based on latched transport address � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 343 ]
Draft H.248.37 Amendment 1 - Change adr package properties' names so that their roles are clearer � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 342 ]
H.248.8 Implementors' Guide - Allow the MG to issue error #511 � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 341 ]
H.248.1 Implementors' Guide - Allowing a sub-list of length one to be encoded as a simple value � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
[ 340 ]
H.248.1 Implementors' Guide - A uniform method for referencing elements of a base package � Juniper Networks Q3/16 2008-04-11
Resultats:25 documents
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