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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG13 : R�union�2007-04-16�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG13� C�(2007-04-16)�


Gestion et coordination de projets; Architecture et principes de l?int�gration des r�seaux; R�seaux et m�canismes multiprotocoles; Qualit� de fonctionnement des r�seaux et gestion des ressources

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-04-16 au 2007-04-27

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-09-01� 2009-01-12� 2008-09-122008-05-222008-01-142007-09-212006-11-032006-07-172006-01-162005-08-292005-04-252004-12-07

Resultats:41 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�3/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 253 ]
The proposal for the HGWC-FE and related interfaces � Huawei Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 242 ]
Proposed text for section 12 of Y.PTDN � ZTE Q13/13 2007-04-10
[ 240 ]
Proposed QoS capability within PTDN � ZTE Q13/13 2007-04-10
[ 239 ]
Propose some alignment modifications to Y.nacf � ZTE Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 238 ]
P2P-based NGN Architecture (PNA) - Proposal and Preliminary Study � ZTE Q3/13, Q2/13, Q1/13 2007-04-10
[ 237 ]
Propose clarifying the scope of Y.ngn-mcastfa � ZTE Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 217 ]
Proposal of initiating NGN service-stratum functional architecture for multicast services � ETRI Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 167 ]
Proposal for Non-IMS for NGN � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 166 ]
Customizable IP Networks (CIP): A Framework for Requirements and Capabilities for the Customization of IP Service Networks by Customers � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 165 ]
Adding the requirement of the control channel protocol for detecting network attachment on the specification of Network Attachment Control Function � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 164 ]
Proposed on the updated texts of section 6 in Y.ipsplit � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 163 ]
Proposal of initiating NGN service-stratum functional architecture � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 162 ]
Proposal of new study items on functional architecture to support ubiquitous networking in NGN � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 161 ]
Initial draft Recommendation on functional requirements and architecture of the NGN for ID-based applications and services (Y.idserv-arch) � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 160 ]
Multicasting Extension of NACF � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 159 ]
Mobility Extension of NACF � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 152 ]
The updated texts of Y.ngn-mcastfa (Functional Architecture of NGN Multicast) � Korea (Republic of) Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 146 ]
Proposals for development of Y.ngn-mcastfa � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q3/13 2007-04-11
[ 141 ]
Proposed modifications to section 5 in Y.ipsplit � ETRI Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 107 ]
Proposed Text for Section 9 (Security) of Draft Y.NGN-ET-Tech � Telcordia Q15/13, Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 106 ]
Proposed Text for New Subsection in Draft Y.NGN-ET-Tech � Telcordia Q3/13 2007-04-10
[ 85 ]
Proposal to draft Y.nacf documentation � NTT Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 84 ]
Proposed enhancement of NGN architecture overview in Y.2012 � NTT Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 82 ]
Proposal for the structure of the series of NGN Release 2 Recommendations � NTT Q3/13, Q2/13, Q1/13 2007-04-05
[ 79 ]
Proposal for the Addressing Mechanisms in PTDN � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 78 ]
Proposed interworking method between PTDN and other packet bearer network � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 77 ]
Proposal for adding new section "Typical Routing Methods" to the Chapter 5 of Y.FPBN_addr � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 76 ]
Proposal for necessary discussions about addressing objects in Y.FPBN_ADDR � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 75 ]
Proposed OAM of PTDN � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 74 ]
Proposed reference model of Public Telecom Packet Data Network (PTDN) � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 73 ]
Proposed the network layer of a PTDN � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 72 ]
Proposed the routing and switching of a PTDN � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 71 ]
Proposed abbreviations used in Y.PTDN � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 70 ]
Proposed definitions used in Y.PTDN � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 69 ]
Proposed reliability of a PTDN � MII, People's Republic of China Q13/13 2007-04-05
[ 67 ]
Proposed Modifications to Draft Y.NGN-ET-Tech � Telcordia Technologies Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 66 ]
Support for ETS in NGN � Telcordia Technologies Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 65 ]
Proposed Enhancements to Section 8 of Y.NGN-ET-Tech � Telcordia Technologies Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 60 ]
Proposed New Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-DSL � ETRI Q3/13 2007-04-05
[ 43 ]
Modification proposals for Y.ngn-et-tech for accessibility � Polycom Inc. Q3/13 2007-04-04
[ 30 ]
Proposal for admission control and gate control functions with multiple multicast streams in Y.ngn-mcastfa � KDDI Corporation Q3/13 2007-04-03
Resultats:41 documents
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