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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG12 : R�union�2005-01-18�: Contributions Tardives� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG12� D�(2005-01-18)�


Qualit� de fonctionnement et qualit� de service

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2005-01-18 au 2005-01-27

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-03� 2009-03-10� 2008-05-22� 2007-10-02� 2007-01-16� 2006-06-052005-10-17� [ 2005-01-18 ]�

Resultats:57 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions Tardives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 57 ]
An option for completion of the P.VTQ recommendation � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q14/12 2005-01-13
[ 56 ]
Needs for wideband PESQ in Voice over IP applications � Texas Instruments Inc Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 55 ]
P.VTQ Model Selection - Implementation Criteria � Psytechnics Ltd. Q14/12 2005-01-07
[ 54 ]
Proposal of a Loss Per Unit Time Metric for Revised Y.1541 and Y.1540 � Cisco Systems, Inc Q10/12, Q13/12, Q11/12, Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 53 ]
Analysis of a High Percentile Concatenation Method for Revised Y.1541 � Cisco Systems, Inc Q10/12, Q13/12, Q11/12, Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 52 ]
Points to be clarified in Y.1540 and Y.1541 � France T�l�com Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 51 ]
Introduction to new methodologies for speech quality assessment � France T�l�com Q7/12 2005-01-07
[ 50 ]
Characterisation Listening and Processing Test Plan of the 14kHz Low-Complexity Audio Coding Algorithm at 24, 32 and 48 kbps Extension to ITU-T G.722.1 � France T�l�com Q7/12 2005-01-07
[ 49 ]
Methods for assessing quality requirement mixing different bandwidth � France T�l�com Q7/12 2005-01-07
[ 48 ]
Methods for evaluating Frequency response of a codec � France T�l�com Q7/12 2005-01-07
[ 47 ]
Links between RTCP XR metrics and (existing or needed) SG 12 recommendations � France T�l�com Q17/12, Q14/12, Q10/12 2005-01-07
[ 46 ]
Discussion on unified objective methodologies for the comparison of voice quality of narrowband and wideband scenarios � France T�l�com Q9/12, Q8/12, Q7/12 2005-01-07
[ 45 ]
Report on a new subjective test on the relationships between listening, talking and conversational qualities when facing delay and echo � France T�l�com Q10/12, Q8/12, Q7/12 2005-01-07
[ 44 ]
Proposed Draft of New Annex to Recommendation Y.1541 � SBC Communications Inc. Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 43 ]
Analysis of Jitter Concatenation Methods for Revised Y.1541 � AT&T Q10/12, Q13/12, Q11/12, Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 42 ]
Review of IP QoS Requirements for Digital Transport Emulation and Digital Video � AT&T Q10/12, Q13/12, Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 41 ]
Network Contribution to Transaction Time, a new performance metric � AT&T Q10/12, Q17/12, Q13/12 2005-01-07
[ 40 ]
Comments on the MAPDV2 Algorithm in G.1020 � AT&T , Telchemy Q17/12, Q13/12, Q10/12 2005-01-07
[ 39 ]
Comments and Considerations for new Recommendation G.E2EIPP � AT&T Q13/12 2005-01-07
[ 38 ]
Provisional Classes for the Revised Y.1541 � AT&T Q10/12, Q13/12, Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 37 ]
Report of JRG-MMQA meetings June and October 2004 � Rapporteurs, Q21/9, 9/12 Q21/9, Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 36 ]
Multimedia opinion model based on media interaction of audio-visual communications � Japan Q13/12, Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 35 ]
Extension of P.862 and P.50 to objective quality assessment of wideband speech coding � Japan Q9/12, Q6/12 2005-01-07
[ 34 ]
Methodologies for the Performance Evaluation of Noise Reduction Algorithms and the Performance Estimation of Noisy Speech Recognition using PESQ � Japan Q8/12, Q4/12, Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 33 ]
Subjective quality assessment result for wideband speech coding � Japan Q8/12 2005-01-07
[ 32 ]
Annex B to Recommendation P.50 "Application areas of the artificial voice" � Japan Q6/12 2005-01-07
[ 31 ]
The VDA - Specification for Car Hands-Free Terminals � Federal Republic of Germany Q6/12, Q4/12 2005-01-07
[ 30 ]
Proposal for Parameters Describing the Performance of Speech Technology Devices � Federal Republic of Germany Q12/12 2005-01-07
[ 29 ]
Preliminary Equipment Impairment Factors for Wideband Speech Codecs � Federal Republic of Germany Q8/12 2005-01-07
[ 28 ]
How Much Better Can Wideband Telephony Be? - Estimating the Necessary R-scale Extension � Federal Republic of Germany Q8/12 2005-01-07
[ 27 ]
General Prediction of the Impairment due to Dependent (Non-Random) Packet Loss for Inclusion in the E-Model � Federal Republic of Germany Q14/12, Q8/12 2005-01-07
[ 26 ]
Results from WB-PESQ with different bandwidth speech signals � Psytechnics Ltd. Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 25 ]
A wideband extension to P.862 � Psytechnics Ltd. Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 24 ]
Proposal of revised 'Guidance on class usage'/Y.1541 � Korea (Republic of) Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 23 ]
Selection criteria for P.VTQ � Telchemy Q14/12 2005-01-07
[ 22 ]
IP QoS Signaling � BT Q16/12 2005-01-07
[ 21 ]
Service aspects on standards to support real-time content delivery over the Internet � BT Q16/12 2005-01-07
[ 20 ]
Functional aspects on standards to support real-time content delivery over the Internet � BT Q16/12 2005-01-07
[ 19 ]
Commercial aspects on standards to support real-time content delivery over the Internet � BT Q16/12 2005-01-07
[ 18 ]
Considerations for Interconnecting Hybrid Technology Networks � BT Q10/12 2005-01-07
[ 17 ]
IP packet loss and support for emulated I.231.1 ISDN "clearmode" service � BT Q17/12 2005-01-07
[ 16 ]
QoS and Performance Standardisation Areas for NGN � BT Q15/12, Q1/12 2005-01-07
[ 15 ]
Example of multimedia quality assessment model for videophones � NTT Q13/12 2005-01-07
[ 14 ]
Example of multimedia quality integration function for videophones � NTT Q13/12 2005-01-07
[ 13 ]
Proposal on basic concepts of a multimedia quality assessment model � NTT Q13/12 2005-01-07
[ 12 ]
Objective quality assessment of wideband and narrowband speech � NTT Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 11 ]
Addition of noise floor to reference speech used in Recommendation P.862 � NTT Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 10 ]
Draft appendix to new Recommendation P.862.2 � NTT Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 9 ]
Performance evaluation of wideband extension of Recommendation P.862 � NTT Q9/12 2005-01-07
[ 8 ]
Objective quality evaluation based on Recommendation P.862 by using long reference speech � NTT Q9/12 2005-01-07
Resultats:57 documents
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