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UIT-T�SG11� C�


Sp�cifications et protocoles de signalisation

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

Resultats:18 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Korea (Republic of)�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 127 ]
Proposal for SG11 work scope for the next study period � Korea (Republic of) ALL/11 2008-01-08
[ 126 ]
Proposal for expanded scope to Q.2/11 � Korea (Republic of) 2/11 2008-01-08
[ 125 ]
Revised texts of Draft Recommendation Q.nacp.S-TC1 � Korea (Republic of) 7/11 2008-01-08
[ 124 ]
Proposal for adding new text of Q.NGN-trx.profile � Korea (Republic of) 7/11 2008-01-08
[ 123 ]
Draft Recommendation Q.nacf.auth1 "Authentication Protocols based on EAP-AKA for Interworking among 3GPP, WiMax, and WLAN in NGN" � Korea (Republic of) 7/11 2008-01-08
[ 74 ]
Proposed addition of general requirement for TRQ.ASI-REQ � Korea (Republic of) 2/11 2007-04-13
[ 73 ]
Editor's revision to draft supplement TRQ.ASI-REQ � Korea (Republic of) 2/11 2007-04-13
[ 72 ]
Proposed modification on table 2 for Q.UNI profile � Korea (Republic of) 3/11 2007-04-13
[ 71 ]
Proposed text on extension to RFC3261 of Q.UNI profile � Korea (Republic of) 3/11 2007-04-13
[ 70 ]
Proposals on the DTMF Tone Handling in Q.UNI profile � Korea (Republic of) 3/11 2007-04-13
[ 69 ]
Proposed text for a work item "Signalling requirements and Protocols for Access Authentication Interworking among Heterogeneous Networks in NGN" � Korea (Republic of) 1/11, 7/11 2007-04-13
[ 68 ]
Proposed changes to the scope of Q.UNI profile � Korea (Republic of) 3/11 2007-04-13
[ 67 ]
Proposed text on section 11.1 "Specification to be described in SIP/SDP message" in a Q.UNI profile � Korea (Republic of) 3/11 2007-04-13
[ 66 ]
Call Control Signalling Transport and IP protocol version for UNI profile � Korea (Republic of) 3/11 2007-04-13
[ 65 ]
Proposed text on the codec section in Q.UNI profile � Korea (Republic of) 3/11 2007-04-13
[ 64 ]
Proposed addition of transport stratum user profile in draft Q.NGN-trx.profile � Korea (Republic of) 7/11 2007-04-13
[ 63 ]
Proposed on the updated texts for revision of Q.nacp.S-TC1 � Korea (Republic of) 7/11 2007-04-13
[ 53 ]
Proposal for text revision of Q.NGN-nacf.mob � Korea (Republic of) 7/11 2007-04-12
Resultats:18 documents
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