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R�seaux en c�ble int�gr�s � large bande et transmission t�l�visuelle et sonore

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

Resultats:33 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q9/17�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 199 ]
Clarification of relationship among the related documents on IPTV multicast � ETRI IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q22/16, Q2/13, Q1/11, Q8/9, Q3/13 2008-04-28
[ 198 ]
New addition of Appendix VI: Example configurations for Multicast Control in NGN based home network for the draft document of H.iptv-hn � ETRI IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q10/9, Q21/16 2008-04-28
[ 197 ]
Positioning Content Delivery in IPTV Architecture � BT IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-28
[ 187 ]
Proposal for supplemental text of IPTV procedural flow � NTT Corporation Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-24
[ 174 ]
Proposal for new work item on a key management framework for secure IPTV communications � Korea (Republic of) IPTV-GSI, Q25/16, Q13/16, Q3/9, Q9/17 2008-04-24
[ 171 ]
Proposal for Modification of Content Delivery Functions in section 10.3.3 � ZTE Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 170 ]
Proposal for Modification of Content Delivery Functions in section 9.4 � ZTE Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 169 ]
Proposal for Modification of Content Delivery Functions in section 8.3 � ZTE Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 168 ]
Proposal to refine figures in Recommendation Y.iptvarch � NTT Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 167 ]
Proposal for modification of description about the Content Delivery Functions � NTT Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 166 ]
Proposal on clarification of clause 9.4.2 of Y.iptvarch � NTT Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 165 ]
Proposal on clarification of terminologies related to Content Delivery Functions � NTT Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 164 ]
Proposal for support the consent of Recommendation Y.iptvarch � NTT Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 159 ]
Proposed to updating the Draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-1:IPTV security aspects � NTT Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q25/16, Q13/16, Q3/9, Q9/17 2008-04-24
[ 153 ]
Proposal for amendments of architectural figures in Y.iptvarch. � KDDI Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 152 ]
Proposed editorial amendments to section 12 of Y.iptvarch � KDDI Corporation IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 151 ]
Editorial Modifications to Draft Recommendation of IPTV Architecture � CATR IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 150 ]
Proposed modifications on draft recommendation X.iptvsec-1 � CATR/MII China IPTV-GSI, Q25/16, Q13/16, Q3/9, Q9/17 2008-04-24
[ 149 ]
Editorial Modifications to Draft Recommendation of IPTV Architecture � CATR IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 148 ]
Proposed Overall Diagram of IPTV Functional Architecture � CATR IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-24
[ 133 ]
IPTV Architecture and Home Network � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, Q10/9, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 132 ]
IPTV Architecture - Editorial modifications � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 131 ]
IPTV Architecture - Reference to NACF � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 130 ]
IPTV Architecture - Interworking (� 10.2.4) � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 129 ]
IPTV Architecture - Interconnection aspects (� 12) � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 128 ]
IPTV Architecture - Content Delivery Functions � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 127 ]
IPTV Architecture - IPTV Profiles � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 126 ]
IPTV Architecture - Application and Service User Profile Functional Block � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 125 ]
IPTV Architecture - Proposed new appendix "Protocols used on IPTV reference points" � France Telecom IPTV-GSI, Q9/17, Q21/16, Q9/9, Q3/13 2008-04-23
[ 124 ]
IPTV Architecture - Service Discovery and Application Functions (� 11) � France Telecom Q9/9, Q9/17, Q3/13, Q21/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 123 ]
Proposed modifications for clause 10.2 and 10.3 of H.iptv-hn � NTT Q9/17, Q21/16, Q10/9, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 122 ]
A Proposal of Common Scrambling System � ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Q9/17, Q3/9, Q25/16, Q15/13, Q13/16, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
[ 121 ]
Proposal to Progress IPTV Multicast Frameworks as New Draft Recommendation � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q9/17, Q8/9, Q3/13, Q22/16, Q2/13, Q1/11, IPTV-GSI 2008-04-23
Resultats:33 documents
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