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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG09 : R�union�2005-10-17�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG09� TD�(2005-10-17)�


R�seaux en c�ble int�gr�s � large bande et transmission t�l�visuelle et sonore

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2005-10-17 au 2005-10-21

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-02� 2009-02-23� 2008-09-192008-05-052007-10-292007-06-142006-10-02� [ 2005-10-17 ]� 2005-01-17

Resultats:40 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�QALL�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 266-GEN ]
Draft liaison reply on appointement of EWM coordinator for SG 9 � WG 6 Chairman QALL 2005-10-20
[ 265-GEN ]
Draft liaison on merging of Questions 11/9 and 13/9 into 11/9 � WG 6 Chairman QALL 2005-10-20
[ 264-GEN ]
Liaison on official contacts in ITU-T SG 9 � WG 6 Chairman QALL 2005-10-20
[ 248-GEN ]
Schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2006 � TSB QALL 2005-10-21
[ 243-GEN ]
Final list of Participants � TSB QALL 2005-10-20
[ 227-GEN ]
Accessibility features in SG 9 work � WG 1 QALL 2005-10-19
[ 226-GEN ]
Liaison Reply on Coordination with ITU-T Study Group 9 studies � ITU-R Working Party 6M QALL 2005-10-19
[ 207-GEN ]
Report of JCA-HN meeting, Geneva 14th October � Convenor JCA-HN QALL 2005-10-19
[ 206-GEN ]
Report on ITU-T Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges in Home Networking (Geneva, 13-13 October 2005) � TSB QALL 2005-10-19
[ 203-GEN ]
LS on SG 17 Action Plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition (DC-CET) � ITU-T SG 17 QALL 2005-10-18
[ 196-GEN ]
Draft report of WG 6 - Work Programme; Questions, Liaisons � WG 6 Chairman QALL/9 2005-10-17
[ 176-GEN ]
Future work on NGN � TSB QALL 2005-10-12
[ 175-GEN ]
ITU-T Guidelines related to the inclusion of marks in ITU-T Recommendations (version 1) � TSB QALL 2005-10-12
[ 173-GEN ]
Report on GSC-10 (Global Standards Collaboration) meeting in Sophia Antipolis, France 28 August - 2 September 2005 � TSB QALL/9 2005-10-10
[ 172-GEN ]
Revised Questions for approval at the SG 9 meeting in October 2005 � TSB QALL/9 2005-10-10
[ 156-GEN ]
LS on Promotion of the participation of research and academic experts in the SG work � ITU-T SG 16 QALL 2005-08-19
[ 155-GEN ]
Introduction to ITU-T's Technology Watch activity � TSB QALL 2005-08-16
[ 147-GEN ]
Study Group 11 action plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition � ITU-T SG11 (Geneva, 2-6 May 2005) QALL9 2005-10-07
[ 138-GEN ]
LS on proposed Action Plan to address WTSA-04 Resolution 50 - Cybersecurity Obligations � ITU-T SG 17 (Moscow, 30 March - 8 April 2005) QALL 2005-04-26
[ 134-GEN ]
Liaison to all ITU-T SGs regarding the Circular Letter sent to Member States on WTSA Resolution 40 � TSAG (Geneva, 14-18 March 05 QALL 2005-03-30
[ 133-GEN ]
Liaison on Electronic Working Methods (EWM) � TSAG (Geneva, 14-18 March 05 QALL 2005-03-30
[ 132-GEN ]
Response to SG 19 on Trial of Public Access to SG 19 Documentation � TSAG (Geneva, 14-18 March 05 QALL 2005-03-30
[ 131-GEN ]
Liaison to all ITU-T Study Groups on the Guide for ITU-T SGs - "Considering End-User Needs in developing Recommendations" � TSAG (Geneva, 14-18 March 05 QALL 2005-03-30
[ 130-GEN ]
Liaison on development of new Question � TSAG (Geneva, 14-18 March 05 QALL 2005-03-30
[ 129-GEN ]
Liaison on Process for handling liaison statements To/From IETF � TSAG (Geneva, 14-18 March 05) QALL/9 2005-03-30
[ 126-GEN ]
Liaison on Action Plan of SG 4 for supporting DC � ITU-T SG 4 QALL 2005-03-09
[ 123-GEN ]
Liaison on Report of the meeting of the Ad hoc Group for issues related to developing countries, 21 February 2005 � ITU-T SG 2 QALL 2005-03-07
[ 119-GEN ]
Liaison on draft SG 6 Action Plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition � ITU-T SG 6 QALL 2005-02-14
[ 114-GEN ]
Liaison on official contacts in ITU-T SG 12 � ITU-T SG 12 QALL 2005-02-14
[ 113-GEN ]
Liaison on Action Plan of SG 12 on Workshop � ITU-T SG 12 QALL 2005-02-14
[ 112-GEN ]
Liaison on SG 12 proposals for improving the participation of Developing Countries (DCs), Last Developed Countries (LDCs) and Countries in Economic Transition (CETs) in Telecom Standardization Sector � ITU-T SG 12 QALL 2005-02-14
[ 111-GEN ]
Liaison on SG 3 action plan for developing countries and c ountries with economies in transition � ITU-T SG 3 QALL 2005-02-14
[ 110-GEN ]
Patent Statements related to J-series Recommendations � TSB QALL/9 2005-10-10
[ 109-GEN ]
Draft Recommendations for "Consent" using AAP procedure � TSB QALL 2005-02-14
[ 108-GEN ]
Proposed assignment of documents � TSB QALL 2005-02-14
[ 107-GEN ]
Draft list of ITU-T SG 9 Incoming Liaison Statements (Since January 2005) � TSB QALL 2005-02-14
[ 106-GEN ]
Draft Work Programme of Study Group 9 - 2005-2008; Standardization Areas, Domains and their Codes � TSB QALL 2005-02-14
[ 105-GEN ]
Draft Work Programme of Study Group 9 and its Working Groups � TSB QALL 2005-02-14
[ 104-GEN ]
Draft list of documents � TSB QALL 2005-02-14
[ 103-GEN ]
Draft agenda for the plenary sessions of Study Group 9 � TSB QALL 2005-02-14
Resultats:40 documents
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