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UIT-T�SG06� C�


Installations ext�rieures et installations int�rieures connexes

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

Resultats:54 documents
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 54 ]
Comments on a new recommendation L.teib "optical cabling systems in buildings" � NTT Q2/6 2008-04-04
[ 53 ]
Proposal for a New Question (Q10) in SG6 - "Structure Characteristics, Performances and Deployment Methods of Cables Used for FTTH" � Ministry of Information Industry of China QALL/6 2008-04-03
[ 52 ]
Proposal for development of a new Recommendation: "Requirements for passive optical nodes: Optical distribution assembled frames for central office environments" � Ministry of Information Industry of China Q9/6 2008-04-03
[ 51 ]
Proposal for a draft of new ITU-T Recommendation "Monitoring system using wireless sensor network (WSN) for outside plant facilities" � KT Corporation Q2/6 2008-03-27
[ 50 ]
Draft Revised text for : L.18 Sheath closures for terrestrial copper telecommunication cables � Tyco Electronics / Rapporteur Q9 Q9/6 2008-04-02
[ 49 ]
Revised draft proposal for a new recommendation for optical cabling systems in buildings � France Telecom Q2/6 2007-11-09
[ 48 ]
Contribution for a Draft new Recommendation L.coloop "Developing the copper loop requirement, including indoor and structured cabling, for various access technologies" � Korea Q5/6 2007-11-08
[ 47 ]
Japanese experience on optical fiber joints for appendix of ITU-T Rec. L.12 � NTT Q9/6 2007-11-07
[ 46 ]
Information about optical fibre identification technique for operation and maintenance of optical fibre communication networks � NTT Q6/6 2007-11-07
[ 45 ]
Proposed initial Updated proposal for a draft new for new ITU-T Recommendation L.iirud "Methods for Improved methods for installing, inspecting and repairing underground ducts" � Korea Telecom Q2/6 2007-11-05
[ 44 ]
Updated proposal to make a new appendix II "Korean experience on access network installation procedures" for ITU-T Recommendation L.35 � Korea Telecom Q2/6 2007-11-05
[ 43 ]
Updated proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.mct "Maintenance of cable tunnels" � Korea Telecom Q2/6 2007-11-05
[ 42 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation for optical pre-cabling systems in buildings � France Telecom Q2/6, Q8/6 2007-05-04
[ 41 ]
Updated proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.cobroa "Design, construction, and installation of new copper networks for broadband access including copper networks connected to optical fiber networks" � Republic of Korea Q5/6 2007-05-07
[ 40 ]
Proposal for development of a new Recommendation L.mct "Maintenance of cable tunnels" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2007-05-04
[ 39 ]
Proposed draft for new ITU-T L.35 Appendix II "KT experience with the installation of inner ducts for optical fibre cables" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2007-05-04
[ 38 ]
Proposed initial draft for new ITU-T Recommendation L.iirud "Improved methods for installing, inspecting and repairing underground ducts" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2007-05-04
[ 37 ]
Proposed text for draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.idpda "Personal digital assistant requirements and relevant data structure for infrastructure and network elements management" � SIRTI Q4/6 2007-05-04
[ 36 ]
Construction and performance of self-supporting optical fiber cable for sewer applications � Ministry of Information Industry of China Q7/6 2007-05-01
[ 35 ]
Proposal for development of a new Recommendation L.cpmc "Constructions and performance requirements of the mini-cable series product for blowing installation application" � Ministry of Information Industry of China Q7/6 2007-05-01
[ 34 ]
Revised draft proposal for a new recommendation on active electronics in outside plant (L.active) � Tyco Electronics Raychem NV Q9/6 2007-04-26
[ 33 ]
Draft proposal for the revision of L.36 "Single mode fibre optic connectors" � Tyco Electronics Raychem NV Q9/6 2007-04-26
[ 32 ]
Draft proposal for the revision of L.12 "Optical Fire Joints" � Tyco Electronics Raychem NV Q9/6 2007-04-26
[ 31 ]
Initial draft for new Recommendation L.andb "Database for optical access network infrastructure" � NTT Q8/6 2007-04-26
[ 30 ]
ADSL POTS splitter for Central Office applications � Italy Q5/6 2007-04-13
[ 29 ]
Proposed draft for a new ITU-T Recommendation on "Installation of optical fibre cables inside sewer ducts" � Italy Q2/6 2006-09-08
[ 28 ]
Proposed text for draft new ITU-T Recommendation on "System Architecture for Data Transmission, Database Access and Interoperability for maintenance support system" � Sirti Q4/6 2006-09-08
[ 27 ]
Proposed text for draft new ITU-T Recommendation on "Functional Requirements for PDA and Relevant Data Structure for maintenance support system" � Sirti Q4/6 2006-09-08
[ 26 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.micblow "Performance requirements, test methods and layout principles of microcables for installation by blowing" � Ministry of Information Industry of China Q7/6, Q2/6 2006-09-08
[ 25 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.ssdrain "Self-supporting optical fibre cables installed in drainpipes" � Ministry of Information Industry of China Q7/6, Q2/6 2006-09-08
[ 24 ]
Proposed revisions to ITU-T Recommendation L.59 "Optical fibre cables for indoor application" � Ministry of Information Industry of China Q8/6 2006-09-08
[ 23 ]
Proposed revisions to Recommendation L.36 "Single mode fibre optic connectors" � Huawei Technologies Q9/6 2006-09-08
[ 22 ]
Reply to Tyco Electronics comments on COM 6 C-2 PON splitter requirements proposal � NTT Q9/6 2006-09-06
[ 21 ]
Reply to Corning Corp. comments on COM 6 C-2 "PON splitter requirements proposal" � NTT Q9/6 2006-09-06
[ 20 ]
Draft new ITU-T Recommendation "Fundamental requirements of operation support system using ID technology for optical access networks" � NTT Q4/6 2006-09-06
[ 19 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation L.cobroa "Design, construction, and installation of new copper networks for broadband access including copper networks connected to optical fiber networks" � Republic of Korea Q5/6 2006-09-04
[ 18 ]
Proposed revision to ITU-T Recommendation L.19 "Multi-pair copper network cable supporting shared multiple services such as POTS, ISDN and xDSL" � Republic of Korea Q5/6 2006-09-04
[ 17 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation "Improvement methods for installing underground ducts" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2006-08-30
[ 16 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation "Method of pulling out the used copper cables from ducts and replacing new inner ducts for optical fibre cables" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2006-08-30
[ 15 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation "Repairing methods for underground ducts" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2006-08-30
[ 14 ]
Proposal for a draft new ITU-T Recommendation "Inspection methods for underground ducts" � KT (Korea Telecom) Q2/6 2006-08-30
[ 13 ]
Installation of optical fibre units or mini-cables in short distance by blowing techniques � Telef�nica S.A. Q2/6 2006-08-29
[ 12 ]
Revision of ITU-T Rec. L.37: Summary of proposals for performance requirements for optical branching components � Tyco Electronics Raychem N.V. Q9/6 2006-08-29
[ 11 ]
ITU-T Recommendation L.12 comments for updating � Tyco Electronics Raychem N.V. Q9/6 2006-08-29
[ 10 ]
Draft proposal for a new ITU-T Recommendation L.Active on Active Electronics in the Outside Plant � Tyco Electronics Raychem N.V. Q9/6 2006-08-29
[ 9 ]
Objections to certain requirements in draft revised Recommendation L.37 � Corning Incorporated Q9/6 2006-08-28
[ 8 ]
Information about ignition induced by a high power light input at a butt-joint splice with refractive index matching material � NTT Q6/6 2006-08-28
[ 7 ]
Draft new Recommendation "Optical fibre cable maintenance support, monitoring and testing system for optical fibre cable networks carrying high total optical power (L.omhp)" � NTT Q6/6 2006-08-28
[ 6 ]
Draft new Recommendation "Fundamental requirements of operation support system (OSS) for optical access networks (OAN) (L.ossoan)" � NTT Q4/6 2006-08-15
[ 5 ]
Proposed text for draft new L.RFID "RFID Tag Component For Different In Field Applications" � Sirti Q4/6 2006-07-19
Resultats:54 documents
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