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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG05 : R�union�2006-09-18�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG05� TD-GEN�(2006-09-18)�


Protection contre les effets dus � l'environnement �lectromagn�tique

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-09-18 au 2006-09-22

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2008-11-242008-02-252007-11-192007-05-14� [ 2006-09-18 ]� 2006-05-222005-12-122005-06-132004-11-08

Resultats:15 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�Chairman�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 423-GEN ]
Report of Working Party 2/5 � Vice-Chairman of WP2/5 Q16/5, Q15/5, Q12/5, Q8/5, Q7/5, Q3/5, Q2/5, Q1/5 2006-09-21
[ 420-GEN ]
Report of Working Party 1/5 : Damage prevention and safety � Chairman of WP1/5 Q13/5, Q11/5, Q10/5, Q9/5, Q6/5, Q5/5, Q4/5 2006-09-21
[ 403-GEN ]
Earth Potential Rise (EPR) in coupled HV, MV and LV earthing � Vice-Chairman of SG 5 & Liaison representative for Q9/5 2006-09-20
[ 394-GEN ]
Impulsive noise in home networking � Chairman of WP1/5 Q8/5 2006-09-18
[ 384-GEN ]
Resistibility tests for internal ports � Chairman of SG5 Q4/5 2006-09-18
[ 382-GEN ]
Proposed revision of the draft new Recommendation K.ant "Protection of customer antenna installations" as reported in TD 366 � Chairman of SG5 Q5/5 2006-09-15
[ 381-GEN ]
Chairman's opening presentation � Chairman of SG5 QALL/5 2006-09-14
[ 375-GEN ]
Future work of IEC TC 81 "Lightning protection of structures" � Chairman of SG5 Q5/5 2006-09-14
[ 360-GEN ]
Resistibility requirements for ports connected to multiple symmetric conductors of external d.c. or a.c. dedicated power feeding circuit � Chairman of SG5 Q5/5, Q4/5 2006-09-05
[ 359-GEN ]
Standardization work on protection of services against lightning � Chairman of WP1/5 Q5/5 2006-09-05
[ 358-GEN ]
Report from the meeting of IEC TC81 & CENELEC TC81X held in Perros Guirec (France) on June 2006 � Chairman of WP1/5 Q13/5, Q11/5, Q10/5, Q9/5, Q6/5, Q5/5, Q4/5 2006-09-05
[ 351-GEN ]
Proposed draft of Appendix III "Examples" to the new Recommendation K.ant "Protection of customer antenna installations" � Chairman of SG5 Q5/5 2006-08-24
[ 341-GEN ]
Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 2/5 � Chairman of WP2/5 16/5, 15/5, Q8/5, Q7/5, Q3/5, Q2/5, Q12/5, Q1/5 2006-07-18
[ 340-GEN ]
Draft agenda for the meeting of Working Party 1/5 � Chairman of WP1/5 Q13/5, Q11/5, Q10/5, Q9/5, Q6/5, Q5/5, Q4/5 2006-07-18
[ 339-GEN ]
Draft agenda and timetable for the meeting of Study Group 5 � Chairman of SG5 QALL/5 2006-07-18
Resultats:15 documents
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