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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG05 : WP 1/5 & 2/5�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG05� TD-GEN�(2006-05-22)�


Protection contre les effets dus � l'environnement �lectromagn�tique

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-05-22 au 2006-05-26

Lieu : Japon [Osaka]

Autres r�unions : 2008-11-242008-02-252007-11-192007-05-142006-09-18� [ 2006-05-22 ]� 2005-12-122005-06-132004-11-08

Resultats:21 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�QALL�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 338-GEN ]
Final List of participants � TSB QALL/5 2006-05-26
[ 315-GEN ]
Incoming LS: SG2, Lead Study Group on Service Definition, Numbering, Routing and TDR � ITU-T SG2 QALL/5 2006-05-17
[ 296-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Reply on Guidance on conformance and interoperability testing workshop in January 2006 � ITU-T SG17 QALL/5 2006-05-10
[ 295-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Status of WTSA Resolution 50 Obligations � ITU-T SG17 QALL/5 2006-05-10
[ 294-GEN ]
Incoming LS: Summary of ITU-T Study Groups Security Related Activities � ITU-T SG17 QALL/5 2006-05-10
[ 286-GEN ]
LS on new working arrangement in SG 16 for ETS/TDR/EW and progress report � ITU-T SG16 QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 285-GEN ]
Comments on LS on SG 17 guidance to TSAG and Study Groups on how ITU-T could strengthen its role in conformance and interoperability testing � ITU-T SG16 QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 284-GEN ]
NGN Project Management Database � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 283-GEN ]
Information on NGN Project Management Tool � TSB QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 282-GEN ]
Final Report of the TSB Director's Consultation Meeting on IPTV Standardization (Geneva, 4-5 April 2006) � TSB QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 281-GEN ]
New ITU DMS short URL functionality � TSB QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 280-GEN ]
Introduction to ITU-T's Technology Watch activity � TSB QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 279-GEN ]
Draft Report of TSB Director's Ad Hoc Group on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Geneva, 1-2 November 2005 � TSB QALL/5 2006-04-27
[ 277-GEN ]
New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG15 QALL/5 2006-03-03
[ 276-GEN ]
NGN and satellite work; and Intersector Coordination Group on Satellite (ICG-SAT) Matters � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2006-03-03
[ 275-GEN ]
Requirements and framework for CGOE components � ITU-T SG13 QALL/5 2006-03-03
[ 274-GEN ]
Response on the SG17 liaison statement concerning ITU-T guidance on conformance and interoperability testing � ITU-T SG11 QALL/5 2006-03-03
[ 273-GEN ]
Application of WTSA Resolution 40 � TSAG QALL/5 2006-03-03
[ 272-GEN ]
SG2, Lead Study Group on Service Definition, Numbering and Routing � ITU-T SG2 QALL/5 2006-03-03
[ 271-GEN ]
SG2 Lead Study Group on TDR � ITU-T SG2 QALL/5 2006-03-03
[ 268-GEN ]
General agenda and timetable for the meeting of Working Parties 1 and 2 of Study Group 5 � TSB QALL/5 2006-03-03
Resultats:21 documents
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