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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG04 : R�union�2007-02-05�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG04� TD-GEN�(2007-02-05)�


Gestion des t�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-02-05 au 2007-02-14

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-05-132007-08-28� [ 2007-02-05 ]� 2006-05-242005-09-202005-07-292005-02-15

Resultats:19 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�Q7/4�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 399-GEN ]
LS - Response to LS from SG4 � ITU-T SGS2 Q12/4, Q8/4, Q7/4 2007-02-13
[ 394-GEN ]
Revision to proposed enhancements to Rec. M.3100 to include X-interface notions from Rec. M.1401 � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-02-13
[ 393-GEN ]
Baseline text for M.3360 Requirement for the C2B Interface to support Telecom Customer Self-service Management � Rapporteur Q7/4 Q7/4 2007-02-13
[ 392-GEN ]
ITU-T/TMOC - GTDD/Data Interchange � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-02-13
[ 391-GEN ]
Basics of the GTDD � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q8/4, Q7/4, Q2/4, Q9/4 2007-02-12
[ 388-GEN ]
LS - Transmittal of ATIS TMOC Documents to ITU-T SG4 � ATIS Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-02-08
[ 344-GEN ]
LS - Update on ITU-T draft Recommendation X.cap "OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)" (v1.1) � ITU-T SG17 Q7/4 2007-01-26
[ 343-GEN ]
LS - Update on draft ITU-T Recommendation X.cap " Common alerting protocol" (OASIS CAP v1.1) � ITU-T SG17 Q7/4 2007-01-25
[ 324-GEN ]
Global telecommunications data dictionary � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-01-08
[ 323-GEN ]
Formalization of orders for service management among operators � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-01-08
[ 322-GEN ]
Formalization of orders for interconnections among operators' networks � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-01-08
[ 321-GEN ]
Formalization of generic orders � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-01-08
[ 320-GEN ]
Formalization of data for service management � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-01-08
[ 319-GEN ]
Report of Question 2/4 (Designations for interconnections among operators' net-works) and Question 7/4 (Requirements for business to business and customer to business management interfaces) joint Rapporteurs group interim meeting (Oslo, Norway, 10 to 12 October 2006) � Rapporteur Q2/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-01-08
[ 318-GEN ]
Comments on draft Rec. M.3020 � Rapporteurs Q2/4 and 7/4 Q9/4, Q7/4, Q2/4 2007-01-08
[ 304-GEN ]
LS - Reply to "Reply to draft new Recommendation Y.mpm, Management of performance measurement for NGN" � ITU-T SGS13 Q7/4, Q3/4 2006-11-22
[ 303-GEN ]
LS - Liaison to SG4 Q7/4 and NGNM FG � ITU-T SG13 Q3/13 Rapporteur Group Q7/4 2006-11-16
[ 298-GEN ]
LS - DSL Trouble Types for Consideration in M.3343 � DSL Forum Q7/4 2006-10-04
[ 287-GEN ]
LS - SG 13 activity on Y.pmm (TR-pmm) � ITU-T SG13 Q7/4 2006-08-03
Resultats:19 documents
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