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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG04 : R�union�2006-05-24�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG04� TD-PLEN�(2006-05-24)�


Capacit�s de gestion des t�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-05-24 au 2006-06-02

Lieu : Chine [Beijing]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-05-132007-08-282007-02-05� [ 2006-05-24 ]� 2005-09-202005-07-292005-02-15

Resultats:35 documents
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) �[�Source:�SG4�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 223-PLEN ]
Study Group 4 Interim activities � Vice-Chairman SG4 QALL 2006-06-02
[ 222-PLEN ]
Work Programme SG4 � Vice-Chairman SG4 QALL 2006-06-02
[ 218-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Progression of work on Management Interface Specification Methodology � ITU-T SG4 Q9/4 2006-06-02
[ 217-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Consent of Recommendations on MTNM and further progression � ITU-T SG4 Q9/4 2006-06-02
[ 215-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to Liaison Statements on Methodology and Harmonization � ITU-T SG4 Q9/4 2006-06-02
[ 214-PLEN ]
Management Specification Harmonization Status Report � ITU-T SG4 Q6/4, Q8/4, Q9/4, Q10/4, Q11/4 2006-06-02
[ 212-PLEN ]
List of SG 4 incoming/outgoing LS � Vice-Chairman SG4 QALL 2006-06-02
[ 205-PLEN ]
Report of the SG4 Management Team � Chairman SG4 QALL 2006-06-01
[ 201-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Progress on Q.840.1 about EoT/MEN management � ITU-T SG4 Q10/4 2006-06-01
[ 200-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to SG15 on "Reply on New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan" (COM 15 - LS 71 - E) � ITU-T SG4 Q10/4 2006-06-01
[ 199-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to SG13 on "Consent on draft new Rec. Y.1731" (COM 13 - LS 92 - E) � ITU-T SG4 Q10/4 2006-06-01
[ 193-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Confirmation of schedule to apply STM-256 jitter specification in G.783 and G.825 � ITU-T SG4 Q5/4 2006-06-01
[ 189-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: NGN Management Focus Group � ITU-T SG4 Q8/4 2006-06-01
[ 188-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: NGN Accounting, Billing and Charging � ITU-T SG4 Q8/4 2006-06-01
[ 187-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to LS from SG13 on Service level tracking (service management) � ITU-T SG4 Q8/4 2006-06-01
[ 186-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to LS from SG13 on Requirements and framework for CGOE components � ITU-T SG4 Q8/4 2006-06-01
[ 185-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to LS from SG13 on NGN Project Management Database � ITU-T SG4 Q8/4 2006-06-01
[ 184-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to LS from ATIS on the NGN Framework, Part III: Standards Gap Analysis � ITU-T SG4 Q8/4 2006-06-01
[ 181-PLEN ]
Telecommunications management and OAM project plan � Rapporteur Q12/4, Vice-Chairman SG4 Q12/4 2006-06-01
[ 180-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: SG 4 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management � ITU-T SG4 12/4 2006-06-01
[ 174-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Comments on the use of XML � ITU-T SG4 7/4 2006-06-01
[ 173-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: SG13 activity on TR-pmm � ITU-T SG4 7/4 2006-05-31
[ 172-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Status Report of M.3343 (ex M.NGN-TA) � ITU-T SG4 7/4 2006-05-31
[ 167-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Integration of SG15 comments (COM15 LS 01) in Draft of Recommendation O.otn � ITU-T SG4 Q4/4 2006-05-31
[ 164-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to LS TD 235 GEN (COM 13 - LS 98 - E), Draft new ITU-T Recommendation Y.NGN Security Requirements � ITU-T SG4 Q11/4 2006-05-31
[ 160-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS concerning Study Group 4 efforts in management of security � ITU-T SG4 Q11/4 2006-05-31
[ 159-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS concerning ATIS TMOC Security Management System � ITU-T SG4 Q11/4 2006-05-31
[ 158-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS concerning X.1141 and X.1142 � ITU-T SG4 Q11/4 2006-06-02
[ 157-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS concerning XML protocol harmonization � ITU-T SG4 Q11/4 2006-05-31
[ 155-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Reply on ICG-SAT Matter � ITU-T SG4 QALL 2006-05-30
[ 153-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Response to the correspondence from TMF on M.3050 � ITU-T SG4 Q6/4 2006-05-26
[ 152-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Reply to LS on Recommendation ITU-R F.1566 � ITU-T SG4 Q3/4 2006-05-31
[ 151-PLEN ]
Outgoing LS: Consent of Draft New Recommendation E.480 (ex E.41SM) - Framework for Service Management Operational requirements - Service Management � ITU-T SG4 Q6/4 2006-05-25
[ 149-PLEN ]
List of incoming Liaison Statements � SG4 Chairman QALL 2006-05-24
[ 145-PLEN ]
Proposed agenda for SG4 meeting � SG4 Chairman QALL 2006-06-13
Resultats:35 documents
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