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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG04 : R�union�2005-02-15�: Contributions Tardives� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG04� D�(2005-02-15)�


Gestion des t�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2005-02-15 au 2005-02-25

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-24� 2008-05-13� 2007-08-28� 2007-02-05� 2006-05-242005-09-202005-07-29� [ 2005-02-15 ]�

Resultats:43 documents
Contributions Tardives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 43 ]
Draft New Recommendation M.3016.2, "Security for the Management Plane: Security Services", version 0.6 � Editor, M.3016.2 Q11/4 2005-02-17
[ 42 ]
Draft New Recommendation X.733.1 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - STRUCTURE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: Protocol Neutral UML Description of the Alarm Reporting Function, version 0.2 � Editor - X.733.1 Q10/4, Q9/4 2005-02-10
[ 41 ]
Suggested updates to M.NGN-Management (Y.NGN-Management) � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q8/4 2005-02-09
[ 40 ]
Draft New Recommendation Q.EoTmgmt: Requirements for the Management Interface of Ethernet over Transport, version 0.2 � Editor of Q.EoTmgmt Q10/4 2005-02-04
[ 39 ]
Amendment 1 to M.3017 � Editor of M.3017 Amendment 1 Q10/4 2005-02-04
[ 38 ]
Final report of Telecom Management Collaboration Focus Group � Chairman SG4 (on behalf of TMC Focus Group) Q6/4 2005-02-04
[ 37 ]
Interaction patterns/styles for both reference points and interfaces � BT Q8/4 2005-02-04
[ 36 ]
Comments on Draft New Recommendation M.NGN-Management, "Principles for the Management of Next Generation Networks", version 0.3.1 � BT Q8/4 2005-02-04
[ 35 ]
Proposal for amendments in the draft Recommendation O.211 (ex O.IPtest) � France Telecom Q4/4 2005-02-04
[ 34 ]
Draft Data Architecture � Telenor ASA Q9/4, Q2/4 2005-02-04
[ 33 ]
Managing TMN and NGMN layers with NGN operations systems � Siemens AG, Germany Q6/4, Q8/4 2005-02-04
[ 32 ]
Functional architecture for NGN management � Siemens AG, Germany Q6/4, Q8/4 2005-02-04
[ 31 ]
Defining NGN Operations System (OS) and Operations Support System (OSS) � Siemens AG, Germany Q6/4, Q8/4 2005-02-04
[ 30 ]
Inclusion of text dealing with 15 minutes and 24 hours counters in M.2401 � France Telecom Q3/4 2005-02-04
[ 29 ]
FEC Corrected Errors (FCE) parameter in M.2401 � France Telecom Q3/4 2005-02-04
[ 28 ]
Report of Q.5/4 Rapporteur meeting, 27-30 September 2004 � Rapporteur Q5/4 2005-02-03
[ 27 ]
Draft revised Recommendation O.172, September 2004 � Rapporteur Q5/4 2005-02-03
[ 26 ]
Proposed amendments to Draft O.iptest � Acterna Germany GmbH Q4/4 2005-02-03
[ 25 ]
The assessment for the running status of transport networks � MII , China Unicom Q12/4 2005-02-03
[ 24 ]
Guidelines for the Definition of SLA Representation Template � MII Q7/4 2005-02-03
[ 23 ]
Framework for the End-to-End QoS measurement and supervision � MII Q4/4 2005-02-03
[ 22 ]
Draft Recommendation O.iptest: Proposal for a unique IP test packet format � Acterna Germany GmbH Q4/4 2005-02-02
[ 21 ]
Proposal of the list of contents and "Scope" for O.otn � CIAJ (Comm. & Inform. network Association Japan) Q4/4 2005-02-02
[ 20 ]
Templates for Telecommunications Human Machine Interfaces � Chairman, Human Machine Interface Focus Group Q6/4 2005-01-31
[ 19 ]
Graphic Information for Telecommunication Management Objects � Chairman, Human Machine Interface Focus Group Q6/4 2005-01-31
[ 18 ]
Final report of HMI Focus Group � Chairman, Human Machine Interface Focus Group Q6/4 2005-01-31
[ 17 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.18/4 (present Q.11/4), Part VII - 18 January 2005 � Rapporteur Q.11/4 Q11/4 2005-01-31
[ 16 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.18/4 (present Q.11/4), Part VI - 7 December 2004 � Rapporteur Q.11/4 Q11/4 2005-01-31
[ 15 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.18/4 (present Q.11/4), Part V - 22 October 2004 � Rapporteur Q.11/4 Q11/4 2005-01-31
[ 14 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.18/4 (present Q.11/4), Part IV - 10 September 2004 � Rapporteur Q.11/4 Q11/4 2005-01-31
[ 13 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.18/4 (present Q.11/4), Part III - 19 July 2004 � Rapporteur Q.11/4 Q11/4 2005-01-31
[ 12 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.18/4 (present Q.11/4), Part II - 21 June 2004 � Rapporteur Q.11/4 Q11/4 2005-01-31
[ 11 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.18/4 (present Q.11/4), Part I - 25 May 2004 � Rapporteur Q.11/4 Q11/4 2005-01-31
[ 10 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.10/4 (present Q.8/4), Part II - 18-22 October 2004 � Rapporteur Question 8/4 Q8/4 2005-01-31
[ 9 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of former Q.10/4 (present Q.8/4), Part I - 26-29 July 2004 � Rapporteur, Question 8/4 Q8/4 2005-01-31
[ 8 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation M.1401 � United States of America Q2/4 2005-01-28
[ 7 ]
Addition to M.3016.x for Packet Filtering for the Prevention of Unwanted Traffic � United States of America Q11/4 2005-01-28
[ 6 ]
ITU-T draft Recommendation M.3016.4, "Security for the Management Plane: Requirements, services and mechanisms - Profile proforma � Editor - M.3016.4 Q11/4 2005-01-25
[ 5 ]
Draft Revised Recommendation M.3016.0, "Security for the Management Plane: Overview" � Editor - M.3016.0 Q11/4 2005-01-25
[ 4 ]
Draft New Recommendation M.3016.3, "Security for the Management plane: Security Mechanism", version 0.6 � Editor - M.3016.3 Q11/4 2005-01-25
[ 3 ]
Draft New Recommendation M.NGN-Management, "Principles for the Management of New Generation Networks", version 0.3.1 � Editor - M.NGN-Management Q8/4 2005-01-24
[ 2 ]
Draft New Recommendation M.3016.x Series A5 References � Editor - M.3016.1 Q11/4 2005-01-24
[ 1 ]
Draft New Recommendation M.3016.1, "Security for the Management Plane: Security Requirements", version 0.6 � Editor - M.3016.1 Q11/4 2005-01-24
Resultats:43 documents
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