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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG02 : R�union�2007-10-30�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG02� C�(2007-10-30)�


Service et �valuation des r�seaux et ing�nierie du trafic

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-10-30 au 2007-11-08

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-24� 2008-09-232008-05-062007-08-272007-01-302006-05-032005-12-062005-02-16

Resultats:29 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q1/2�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 76 ]
Announced shortage of IPV4 addresses and transition to IPV6 addressing � France Q1/2 2007-10-22
[ 75 ]
Identification of evolutionary issues impacting numbering system: Research topics in the name of "Future of Numbering" � Korea (Republic of) Q1/2 2007-10-22
[ 73 ]
Input on text of Recommendation E.212 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2007-10-22
[ 72 ]
Proposed recommendation e.ihlr � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2007-10-22
[ 71 ]
Comments on e.cpdn � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2007-10-22
[ 70 ]
Mobile Broadcast Harmonisation, for Warning and Informing the Public � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2007-10-22
[ 69 ]
Europe needs + 388 3 numbers � France , Luxembourg Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 68 ]
E.190 : insertion of a clause for technology neutral management � France Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 67 ]
Comments on revision to ITU-T Recommendation E.164.1 � China Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 66 ]
Proposal for the draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Mobile Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 65 ]
Proposal for the draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Mobile Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 64 ]
Comments on ITU-T Rec. E.164.1 (10/2007) � China Telecom Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 63 ]
Comments on the draft recommendation E.164.1 � China Network Communication Group Corporation Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 62 ]
Creation of .e164 TLD(Top Level Domain) for Infrastructure ENUM � Korea (Republic of) Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 61 ]
Proposed draft E.212 Annex E � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/2 2007-10-19
[ 60 ]
Comments for the request of +883 XXX from Skype based on the revised Recommendation E.164.1 � NTT Corporation Q1/2 2007-10-17
[ 59 ]
Japanese example concerning International Calling Party Number Delivery service � NTT Corporation Q1/2 2007-10-17
[ 58 ]
ETNS � CEPT WG Numbering, Naming and Addressing Q1/2 2007-10-17
[ 57 ]
Issues needing clarification in draft revised Recommendation E.164.1 � AT&T Q1/2 2007-10-17
[ 56 ]
Proposal for a Revision of Recommendation E.212 - Procedure for Extra Territorial Usage of MCC/MNC � Digicel (Jamaica) Limited Q1/2 2007-10-17
[ 55 ]
Proposed Revisions to Annex E of E.212 � Telcordia Q1/2 2007-10-11
[ 54 ]
Proposal for ITU-T Rec. E.212 (05/2004) � Republic Telecom. Agency of the Rep. of Serbia Q1/2 2007-10-08
[ 53 ]
Proposal for ITU-T Rec. E.164.1 (05/2006) � Republic Telecom. Agency of the Rep. of Serbia Q1/2 2007-10-08
[ 52 ]
Progress on draft Rec. E.IDs-DEF concerning terms and definitions used in E-series recommendations about naming, numbering and addressing and other identifiers (IDs) in telecommunications networks � Sweden Q1/2 2007-10-05
[ 51 ]
Need for Unique International Resource for Service Provider Identification in NGN Networks � Telcordia , France Telecom Q1/2 2007-09-25
[ 50 ]
Deployment of DNSSEC in the e164.arpa zone � DENIC Q1/2 2007-08-24
[ 47 ]
Initial Assessment of Numbers for CHI � ETNO Q1/2 2007-06-04
[ 46 ]
Comments on International CLI � ETNO Q1/2 2007-05-31
[ 45 ]
Egypt's new numbering plan � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q1/2 2007-02-28
Resultats:29 documents
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