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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG02 : R�union�2007-01-30�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG02� TD-WP1�(2007-01-30)�


Service et �valuation des r�seaux et ing�nierie du trafic

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2007-01-30 au 2007-02-08

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-11-17� 2009-03-242008-09-232008-05-062007-10-302007-08-27� [ 2007-01-30 ]� 2006-05-032005-12-062005-02-16

Resultats:34 documents
Documents Temporaires �(WP1) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 143-WP1 ]
Progress report for Question 3/2 � Associate Rapporteur, Q.3/2 Q3/2 2007-02-07
[ 142-WP1 ]
Timeline for correspondence on Calling party Number Delivery � Convenor, Corresp. Group Calling Party Number Deli Q1/2 2007-02-07
[ 141-WP1 ]
Progress report for Question 1/2 � Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2007-02-06
[ 140-WP1 ]
Results from ad-hoc meeting on E.212 at the May 2006 meeting of SG2 � Editor, E.212 Q1/2 2007-01-31
[ 139-WP1 ]
ENUM update from RIPE NCC � TSB on behalf of RIPE NCC Q1/2 2007-01-31
[ 138-WP1 ]
Agenda for the meeting of Working Party 1/2 � Chairman, Working Party 1/2 Q3/2, Q1/2 2007-01-30
[ 137-WP1 ]
LS - Update on ITU-T draft Recommendation X.cap "OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)" (v1.1) � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 6-15 December 2006) Q1/2 2007-01-25
[ 136-WP1 ]
Agenda for Q.1/2 � Rapporteur, Q.1/2 Q1/2 2007-01-24
[ 135-WP1 ]
IASC Sub-Working Group on Emergency Telecommunications (WGET) - Report to ITU Study Group 2: E.164 United Nations Country Code � TSB on behalf of UN OCHA Q1/2 2007-01-22
[ 134-WP1 ]
E.212 Discussion Point � Vice-Chairman, SG2 Q1/2 2007-01-22
[ 133-WP1 ]
Universal International Numbers (Period May-December 2006) � TSB Q1/2 2007-01-22
[ 132-WP1 ]
LS - ID-related definitions for E.IDs-DEFS � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 6-15 December 2006) Q1/2 2007-01-19
[ 131-WP1 ]
LS - Provide an update on draft ITU-T Recommendation X.cap "Common alerting protocol" (OASIS CAP v1.1) � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 6-15 December 2006) Q1/2 2007-01-19
[ 130-WP1 ]
LS - IdM/NGN Directory requirements � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 6-15 December 2006) Q1/2 2007-01-19
[ 129-WP1 ]
LS - Further revised ITU-T Rec. E.115 � ITU-T SG17 (Geneva, 6-15 December 2006) Q1/2 2007-01-19
[ 128-WP1 ]
Progress on draft Rec. E.IDs-DEF concerning terms and definitions used in E-series Recommendations about naming, numbering and addressing and other identifiers (IDs) in electronic communications networks � Editor, E-EDs-DEF Q1/2 2007-01-08
[ 127-WP1 ]
Background documents on IP address discussions � TSB Q1/2 2007-01-19
[ 126-WP1 ]
LS - First Committee draft on eight graphical symbols for use on telephones and telecommunication equipment � IEC Q3/2 2007-01-08
[ 125-WP1 ]
Best practice Guide on Countering Misuse � Editor Q1/2 2006-12-05
[ 124-WP1 ]
LS - Q.3/2 on Accessibility matters � ITU-T SG16 Q3/2 2006-11-30
[ 123-WP1 ]
LS - New question 20/1: "Access to telecommunication services for people with disabilities" � ITU-D Rapporteur's Group for Q.20/1 Q3/2 2006-11-22
[ 122-WP1 ]
Pending numbering matters � TSB Q1/2 2006-11-15
[ 121-WP1 ]
LS - Liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 2 (re: Morse code) � ITU-R WP8A Q1/2 2006-11-06
[ 120-WP1 ]
IETF Internet Draft: Combined User and Infrastructure ENUM in the e164.arpa tree � TSB Q1/2 2006-10-24
[ 119-WP1 ]
Food for thought regarding a global number for child helplines and numbers for emergency services � Chairman, SG2 Q1/2 2006-11-09
[ 118-WP1 ]
Swedish study about convenient invocation of relay services � TSB Q3/2 2006-09-25
[ 117-WP1 ]
LS - ENUM and e164 domain management � IAB (ISOC) Q1/2 2006-08-31
[ 116-WP1 ]
LS - Pre-Committee Draft based on IEC 60417-C00053 and 3C/1442/INF on graphical symbols for use on telephone and telecommunication equipment � IEC SG 3C Q3/2 2006-08-04
[ 115-WP1 ]
LS - Consistent use of assignment principles � ITU-T SG11 (Geneva, 24-28 July 2006) Q1/2 2006-08-04
[ 114-WP1 ]
LS - Proposed changes to Q.708 (03/1999) � ITU-T SG11 (Geneva, 24-28 July 2006) Q1/2 2006-08-04
[ 113-WP1 ]
LS - Response - Information on the UN-ISDR Global Survey of Early Warning System � ITU-T SG13 (Geneva, 17-28 July 2006) Q1/2 2006-08-03
[ 112-WP1 ]
LS - New work item from IEC TC3 � IEC TC3 Q1/2 2006-07-24
[ 111-WP1 ]
IETF RFC 4542: Implementing an Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) for Real-Time Services in the Internet Protocol Suite � TSB Q1/2 2006-06-06
[ 110-WP1 ]
Correspondence regarding the European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) � TSB Q1/2 2006-06-06
Resultats:34 documents
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