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Internet Protocol Television Global Standards Initiative

P�riode d'�tudes 2005

Resultats:24 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�NEC�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 199 ]
Proposed resolutions for issues in Clause 6.2 of Y.IPTV-req � Softbank BB Corp., KDDI Corp., NEC Corp., NTT Corp Q2/13 2008-08-26
[ 198 ]
Proposed resolutions for issues in Clause 6.4 of Y.IPTV-req � Softbank BB Corp., KDDI Corp., NEC Corp., NTT Corp Q2/13 2008-08-26
[ 176 ]
Proposed resolutions for issues in Clause 6.6 of Y.IPTV-req � NEC, KDDI, NTT, Softbank BB Q2/13 2008-08-25
[ 175 ]
Proposed resolutions for issues in Clause 6.3 of Y.IPTV-req � NEC, KDDI, NTT, SoftbankBB, Matsushita Q2/13 2008-08-25
[ 174 ]
Comments on Architecture Harmonization between Y.1910 and J/H.IPTV-TDES.0/1 � NEC, KDDI, JCTA Q13/16, Q5/9, Q4/9 2008-08-25
[ 171 ]
Draft Recommendation H/J.iptv-tdes.1: IPTV terminal devices and end systems (Fast Model) � KDDI, JCTA, NEC Q5/9, Q13/16 2008-08-25
[ 162 ]
Proposed resolutions for issues in Clause 1 and 3 of Y.IPTV-req � NEC corporation Q2/13 2008-08-25
[ 145 ]
Proposed resolutions for issues in Clause 6.5 of Y.IPTV-req � NEC , Softbank BB , NTT , KDDI Q2/13 2008-08-22
[ 144 ]
Proposal to revise the content structure of clause of Y.IPTV-req � NTT , Softbank BB , NEC , KDDI Q2/13 2008-08-22
[ 143 ]
Proposed resolutions for issues in Clause 6.1 of Y.IPTV-req � NTT , Softbank BB , NEC , KDDI Q2/13 2008-08-22
[ 132 ]
Proposal on clarification of the alignment concerning content protection architecture � NEC, NTT, Matsushita, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-19
[ 131 ]
Proposal on clarification of definition concerning "rights" � NEC, NTT, Matsushita, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-19
[ 130 ]
Proposal on the name of functions group concerning "Security and Content Protection" � NEC, NTT, Matsushita, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-19
[ 129 ]
Proposal on clarification of the alignment concerning service protection architecture � NEC, NTT, Matsushita, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-19
[ 128 ]
Proposal on adding a description to sub-clause 8.1.2 of X.iptvsec-1 � NEC IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-19
[ 127 ]
Proposal on clarification of clause 6.6 of Y.iptv-req "IPTV services requirements" � NEC IPTV-GSI, Q2/13 2008-06-18
[ 126 ]
Proposal on clarification of clause 6.5 of Y.iptv-req "IPTV services requirements" � NEC IPTV-GSI, Q2/13 2008-06-18
[ 125 ]
Proposal on clarification of clause 6.4 of Y.iptv-req "IPTV services requirements" � NEC IPTV-GSI, Q2/13 2008-06-18
[ 124 ]
Proposal on clarification of clause 6.3 of Y.iptv-req "IPTV services requirements" � NEC, NTT, Matsushita, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q2/13 2008-06-18
[ 123 ]
Proposal on clarification of clause 6.2 of Y.iptv-req "IPTV services requirements" � NEC, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q2/13 2008-06-18
[ 122 ]
Proposal on clarification of clause 6.1 of Y.iptv-req "IPTV services requirements" � NEC IPTV-GSI, Q2/13 2008-06-18
[ 102 ]
Proposal to delete Appendix V to draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-1 � NTT, NEC, Matsushita, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-18
[ 101 ]
Proposal for improvements to Appendix III to draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-1 � NTT, NEC, Matsushita, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-18
[ 100 ]
Proposal changes to draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-1 in response to the editor's notes � NTT, Matsushita, NEC, SoftbankBB IPTV-GSI, Q9/17 2008-06-18
Resultats:24 documents
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