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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2003-11-10�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2003-11-10)�


Groupe Consultatif de la Normalisation des T�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2003-11-10 au 2003-11-14

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-07-12� [ 2003-11-10 ]� 2003-02-242002-06-172001-11-26� 2001-03-19�

Resultats:25 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�Source:�TSAG�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 313 ]
Roadmap for TSAG Plenary, 14 November 2003 � TSAG Chairman 2003-11-13
[ 312 ]
Draft WP 2/TSAG Report � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2003-11-14
[ 310 ]
Draft Report of Working Party 4/TSAG (Geneva, 12 November 2003) � Chairman, Working Party 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2003-11-13
[ 308 ]
Response to liaison on namespace assignments � TSAG 2003-11-13
[ 305 ]
Draft Report of meeting of Working Party 1/TSAG (Working Methods) � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2003-11-13
[ 302 ]
Guidelines for drafting Question Texts � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2003-11-13
[ 301 ]
Procedures for Electronic Meetings produced by the SSG � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2003-11-13
[ 300 ]
Revised version of Recommendation A.9: Working Procedures for the Special Study Group on "IMT-2000 and beyond" � Chairman WP 1/TSAG 2003-11-13
[ 298 ]
Draft liaison statement to all SGs: ToR and action plan for the continued "ITU-T SGs Restructuring" Group � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2003-11-13
[ 293 ]
Guidelines for drafting Question Texts � WP 1/TSAG 2003-11-12
[ 292 ]
Possible criteria for Sector Member Representatives as observers at meetings of the ITU Council � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2003-11-12
[ 289 ]
Provisional list of blocks endorsed by WP2/TSAG as a basis for restructuring work � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2003-11-11
[ 288 ]
Draft Agenda and Document List of Working Party 4/TSAG (Geneva, 12 November 2003) � Chairman, Working Party 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2003-11-11
[ 287 ]
Extracts of Marrakesh Res. 71 and WTSA 2000 Resolutions 17, 33, 36 and 39 for consideration of TSAG WP 4 � Chairman, WP4/TSAG 2003-11-11
[ 286 ]
Meeting Report: Promotional Activities Rapporteur's Group (Geneva, 11 November 2003) � Chairman, Rapporteur Group 2 (Promotional Activities), WP3/TSAG 2003-11-11
[ 285 ]
Current state of the proposed list of blocks � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2003-11-11
[ 282 ]
Draft Agenda for Working Party 3/TSAG � Acting Chairman, WP3/TSAG 2003-11-10
[ 276 ]
Draft Agenda for the meeting of Working Party 1/TSAG (Working Methods) - Monday, 10th November 2003 (p.m.) � Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2003-11-10
[ 274 ]
Draft Agenda and Document allocation for the meeting of WP2/TSAG - 10-13 November 2003 � WP2/TSAG Chairman 2003-11-09
[ 267 ]
Operational Issues - posting of incoming liaisons � TSAG Chairman 2003-11-08
[ 266 ]
Operational Issues - role of Associates � TSAG Chairman 2003-11-08
[ 258 ]
Report to TSAG on activity of the ITU-T User Guide Correspondence Group from February to November 2003 � Convenor, TSAG Correspondence Group on the ITU-T User Guide 2003-11-05
[ 247 ]
Report of the work of the ITU-T SG Restructuring Group � Chairman, WP2/TSAG 2003-11-03
[ 243 ]
Proposal for trial of a "single document" jointly approved standard � IETF Liaison to ITU-T and TSAG Chairman 2003-11-03
[ 229 ]
Proposed allocation of responsibility for preparation of Resolutions and A-Series Recommendations for WTSA-2004 � TSAG Chairman 2003-09-26
Resultats:25 documents
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