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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2003-11-10�: Contributions Tardives� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� D�(2003-11-10)�


Groupe Consultatif de la Normalisation des T�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2003-11-10 au 2003-11-14

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-07-12� [ 2003-11-10 ]� 2003-02-242002-06-172001-11-262001-03-19

Resultats:37 documents
Contributions Tardives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 161 ]
Revised Resolution 17 of WTSA 2000 � Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) 2003-10-31
[ 160 ]
Comments on ITU-T Promotion � ETRI 2003-10-30
[ 159 ]
Development of a Guide to developing countries involvement in ITU-T activities � Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of) 2003-10-30
[ 158 ]
Principles for Study Group restructuring � Japan 2003-10-30
[ 157 ]
Proposal for Project Groups for better coordination of standardization work � Japan 2003-10-30
[ 156 ]
Proposals on ITU-T working methods to be reflected to Resolutions and A-series Recommendations � Japan 2003-10-30
[ 155 ]
Study Group Restructuring � BT 2003-10-29
[ 154 ]
Proposal to improve the e-mail notification service (Director's last call announcement and posting) for the AAP (Alternative Approval Process for ITU-T Recommendations) � Siemens AG 2003-10-29
[ 153 ]
Guiding Principle for ITU-T Restructuring � Siemens AG 2003-10-29
[ 152 ]
Proposed ITU-T SG restructure � Lucent Technologies 2003-10-29
[ 151 ]
Considerations for next phase of work within TSAG on Restructuring � Alcatel 2003-10-29
[ 150 ]
Proposal on TSAG restructuring � Japan 2003-10-29
[ 149 ]
E-meeting Guidelines and draft revised Recommendation A.9 � United States of America 2003-10-29
[ 148 ]
Re-examination of WTSA Resolution 35 on term limits for vice-chairmen � United States of America 2003-10-29
[ 147 ]
Principles for ITU-T Study Group structure � United States of America 2003-10-29
[ 146 ]
Italian position on ITU-T restructure � Italy 2003-10-29
[ 145 ]
Special free downloads for students � The ITU Association of Japan, Inc. 2003-10-29
[ 144 ]
Proposal for a new Study Group structure to aggregate SG activity on identified high-priority standardisation topics � Australia 2003-10-29
[ 143 ]
Applying Recommendation A.9 to all Study Groups � Australia 2003-10-29
[ 142 ]
Reducing cost of printing and distributing meeting documents � Korea (Republic of) 2003-10-28
[ 141 ]
Encouraging SG chairmen to use business cards with the ITU-T logo for promotion � Korea (Republic of) 2003-10-28
[ 140 ]
Comments on new EFS � Korea (Republic of) 2003-10-28
[ 139 ]
Editorial amendments to draft revised Recommendation A.9 � BT 2003-10-28
[ 138 ]
ITU-T Study Group restructuring proposal � BT 2003-10-28
[ 137 ]
Towards converging the restructuring proposals � Canada 2003-10-28
[ 136 ]
A way forward � Canada 2003-10-28
[ 135 ]
Cyber security event at WTSA-2004 � Canada 2003-10-28
[ 134 ]
Endorsement of results of Restructuring Group � Canada 2003-10-28
[ 133 ]
Visibility of ITU-T Contributions � Canada 2003-10-28
[ 132 ]
Support for new SG 17 Security Questions � Canada 2003-10-28
[ 131 ]
Proposal for new services to be provided by the TSB to users of ITU-T languages � France T�l�com, Sun Microsystems, OSS Nokalva 2003-10-28
[ 130 ]
Principles to be taken into account in renewal of working methods and study group structure of ITU-T � Elisa Communications, FICORA, Nokia Corporation, TeliaSonera Finland 2003-10-28
[ 129 ]
Meeting Report of the TSAG ITU-T Restructuring Group, Paris, 7-9 October 2003 � Chairman, WP2/TSAG 2003-10-24
[ 128 ]
Criteria for the restructuring of ITU-T work � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2003-10-23
[ 127 ]
Letter from the Chairman of ITU Council Working Group on Observers as requested by Resolution 109 � TSB Director 2003-10-14
[ 126 ]
Guidelines for drafting Question texts � Canada 2003-10-01
[ 125 ]
TSB Circular 166 - Proposed deletion of Question Q.8/SSG - Special Study Group working procedures � Australian Communications Authority 2003-09-15
Resultats:37 documents
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