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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2002-06-17�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� TD-GEN�(2002-06-17)�


Groupe Consultatif de la Normalisation des T�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2002-06-17 au 2002-06-21

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-07-122003-11-102003-02-24� [ 2002-06-17 ]� 2001-11-26� 2001-03-19�

Resultats:107 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 107 ]
Final list of documents of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group meeting (TSAG) - (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) � TSB 2002-06-21
[ 106 ]
Liaison statement on proposals to improve transparency in the AAP process �
[Document TD/106(Rev.1) available]
TSAG 2002-06-25
[ 105 ]
Liaison statement on the use of the words "MUST" and "SHALL" in J-series Recommendations � TSAG 2002-06-21
[ 104 ]
Liaison statement concerning revised text of Recommendation A.9 � TSAG 2002-06-21
[ 103 ]
Roadmap for TSAG Plenary, 21 June 2002 � TSAG Chairman 2002-06-20
[ 102 ]
Report of WP3/TSAG � Chairman, Working Party 3/TSAG 2002-06-21
[ 101 ]
Annex to WP1/TSAG meeting report - Formerly report on the status of the email discussion Group's proposals on the evaluation of the AAP process and the possible elaboration of an "AAP-Guide" �
[Document TD/101(Rev.1) available]
Acting Chairman, WP1/TSAG (Working Methods) 2002-06-25
[ 100 ]
Annex to WP1/TSAG report - Report of Ad hoc Group 3/1 on draft Recommendation A.9 �
[Document TD/100(Rev.1) available]
Acting Chairman, WP1/TSAG (Working Methods) 2002-06-25
[ 99 ]
Report of the meeting of the Group on Cooperation and Coordination (Geneva, 18 and 20 June 2000) � Chairman, Group on Coop. & Cood. 2002-06-20
[ 98 ]
Annex to Working Party 1/TSAG report - Two liaison statements on "Terminology for all communications from an ITU-T study group" and on "Disclosing ITU material to non-ITU organizations" � Acting Chairman, WP1/TSAG (Working Methods) 2002-06-20
[ 97 ]
Report of the meeting of working Party 2/TSAG (Work Programme), Geneva, 18-19 June 2002 � Chairman, Working Party 2/TSAG 2002-06-20
[ 96 ]
Marketing Strategy Template � TSB 2002-06-20
[ 95 ]
Final List of Participants � TSB 2002-06-20
[ 94 ]
Report of Ad-hoc group 3/1 � K. Whittingham (Convenor of Ad-hoc group 3/1) 2002-06-20
[ 93 ]
Draft schedule of ITU-T meetings 2003 � TSB 2002-06-20
[ 92 ]
Report of the meeting of Working Party 4/TSAG - (Strategy) (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) � Chairman, WP4/TSAG (Strategy) 2002-06-20
[ 91 ]
Report on the status of the Correspondence group's proposals on the evaluation of the AAP process and the possible elaboration of an "AAP-Guide" � Convenor of the Corresponence Group "AAP Guide" 2002-06-20
[ 90 ]
Report of meeting of Working Party 1/TSAG (Working Methods), Geneva, 17-21 June 2002 �
[Document TD/90(Rev.1) available]
Acting Chairman, WP1/TSAG 2002-06-21
[ 89 ]
Liaison statement on terminology for all communications from an ITU-T Study Group � TSAG 2002-06-20
[ 88 ]
Draft report of the TSB Director's Ad hoc group on Intellectual Property Right (IPR) - (Geneva meeting, 14-15 June 2002) � TSB 2002-06-19
[ 87 ]
Meeting report: EDH Rapporteur's group (Geneva, 19 June 2002) � Chairman, RG2 (EDH) WP3/TSAG 2002-06-19
[ 86 ]
Draft report of the WP3 Rapporteur Group 1 meeting, 17 June 2002 � Rapporteur WP3/RG1 2002-06-19
[ 85 ]
Draft report of Ad-hoc group on ICANN �
[Document TD/85(Rev.1) available)]
B. Moore (Convenor of Ad-hoc group on ICANN) 2002-06-20
[ 84 ]
Work Programme Statistics � TSB 2002-06-19
[ 83 ]
Draft report of the meeting of Working Party 4/TSAG - (Strategy), (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) � Chairman, WP 4/TSAG (Strategy), (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) 2002-06-19
[ 82 ]
Language co-ordination project report 08 March 2002 � Study Group 17 Co-Chairman (A. Sarma) 2002-06-18
[ 81 ]
Draft agenda for the meeting of the EDH Rapporteur's Group � Chairman, Rapporteur Group 2 (EDH), WP3/TSAG 2002-06-18
[ 80 ]
Report of the ITU-T Study Group Chairmen's meeting, (Geneva, 13-14 June 2002) � TSB Director 2002-06-18
[ 79 ]
Some comments and proposals � B. Moore (Convenor of Ad-hoc group on ICANN) 2002-06-18
[ 78 ]
Agenda and objectives for meeting of Ad-Hoc Group � B. Moore (Convenor of Ad-hoc group on ICANN) 2002-06-18
[ 77 ]
Draft Financial Plan 2004-2007 � TSB 2002-06-18
[ 76 ]
The World Summit on the Information Society � TSB 2002-06-17
[ 75 ]
Liaison report �
[Document TD/75(Add.1) also available]
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liaison Officer 2002-06-17
[ 74 ]
Agenda for the meeting on Cooperation and Coordination [First session 18 June 2002 (a.m.)] �
[Document TD/74(Rev.1) also available]
Chairman, Grp. on Coop. & Coord. (A. Macchioni) 2002-06-19
[ 73 ]
Draft agenda and document list of Working Party 4/TSAG (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) � Chairman, WP 4/TSAG (Strategy) 2002-06-17
[ 72 ]
Draft agenda and document alloction for the 3rd meeting of WP3/TSAG (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) � Chairman, WP3/TSAG 2002-06-17
[ 71 ]
Draft work plan for the 3rd meeting of WP3/TSAG (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) � Chairman, WP3/TSAG 2002-06-17
[ 70 ]
Additional Study Group 4 input to TSAG � Study Group 4 Chairman 2002-06-17
[ 69 ]
Draft agenda and document allocation for the meeting of Working Party 2/TSAG (18, 19 and 20 June 2002) �
[Document TD/69(Rev.1) available]
Chairman, WP 2/TSAG (Work Programme) 2002-06-17
[ 68 ]
AAP statistics through 16 June 2002 � TSAG Chairman 2002-06-17
[ 67 ]
Opening address of Mr. Houlin Zhao, TSB Director, at the meeting of TSAG (Geneva, 17 June 2002) � TSB Director 2002-06-17
[ 66 ]
Report on World Standards Cooperation meeting , 27 April 2002 � TSAG Chairman 2002-06-15
[ 65 ]
INITIAL list of documents of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group meeting (TSAG) - (Geneva, 17-21 June 2002) � TSB 2002-06-15
[ 64 ]
Draft agenda for meeting of Working Party 1 (Work Methods) �
[Document TD/64(Rev.1) available]
Acting Chairman, Working Party 1/TSAG 2002-06-18
[ 63 ]
Approval of draft revised Recommendations A.4, A.6 and A.7 � TSB 2002-06-14
[ 62 ]
Summary report on project MEDIACOM 2004 and SG 16 activities � Chairman, ITU-T SG 16 2002-06-14
[ 61 ]
Revised Question 15/11 (for information to TSAG) � SG 11 Chairman 2002-06-14
[ 60 ]
Report of the TSAG Correspondence group discusssions on "question" � Convener, TSAG correspondence group on "question" 2002-06-14
[ 59 ]
Promotion reports for ITU-T Study Groups 4, 11, 15, 16 & SSG �
[Document TD/59(Add.1) available]
TSB 2002-06-20
[ 58 ]
Report on operational issues � TSAG Chairman 2002-06-14
Resultats:107 documents
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