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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2001-03-19�: Contributions Tardives� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� D�(2001-03-19)�


Groupe Consultatif de la Normalisation des T�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2001-03-19 au 2001-03-23

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-07-122003-11-102003-02-242002-06-172001-11-26� [ 2001-03-19 ]�

Resultats:32 documents
Contributions Tardives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 32 ]
Proposal for enhancing the ITU E-Mail Reflectors to archive and display past messages � Siemens 2001-03-07
[ 31 ]
Scope of architecture related study among Study Groups (SG 13, SG 15 and SSG) � Korea Telecom (Republic of) 2001-03-07
[ 30 ]
Leadership and Participant Training in ITU-T Study Groups � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 29 ]
The 2003-07 Strategic Plan � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 28 ]
ITU Reform � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 27 ]
Promotion of the ITU-T � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 26 ]
Establishment of new strategy and operational groups � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 25 ]
REPLACED by D.25(Rev.1) - TSAG and ITU Planning, Budget and Linkage � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 24 ]
REPLACED by D.24(Rev.1) - ITU Reform - Financial and Budget Issues � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 23 ]
Support of EDH and immediate trials of collaborative software � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 22 ]
Implementation of the Alternative Approval Process � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 21 ]
External References and Recommendation A.5 � United States of America 2001-03-07
[ 20 ]
Proposed Revision to Recommendation A.13 (Supplements to ITU-T Recommendations) � Canada 2001-03-07
[ 19 ]
Proposal to move ASN.1 work from SG 7 to SG 10 � Canada 2001-03-07
[ 18 ]
Developing TSAG views on the evolution of the WTSA: (Reference Resolution 39 "The changing role of the WTSA") � Canada 2001-03-07
[ 17 ]
Steps towards a more effective ITU-T: Proposed changes to the Work Program Structure and Alternative Approval Procedure � Canada 2001-03-07
[ 16 ]
Expanded use of EDH to make the ITU-T standardization work more efficient � Japan 2001-03-07
[ 15 ]
Proposed reform of WTSA: refined roles, shorter meeting intervals and shorter maximum term of office for TSAG and SG Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen � Japan 2001-03-07
[ 14 ]
SG re-structuring for efficient and flexible work � Japan 2001-03-07
[ 13 ]
Further improvement in working methods in ITU-T � Japan 2001-03-07
[ 12 ]
Principles for guiding the interpretation of new SSG Questions � United Kingdom 2001-03-07
[ 11 ]
Working Procedures and Practices � United Kingdom 2001-03-07
[ 10 ]
Establishment of a TSAG Strategy Group and a TSAG Operational Group � United Kingdom 2001-03-07
[ 9 ]
Establishment of Pilot Forum in ITU-T � United Kingdom 2001-03-07
[ 8 ]
Further handling of ASN.1 in SG 10 � Federal Republic of Germany 2001-03-07
[ 7 ]
Questions de s�curit� � France T�l�com 2001-03-07
[ 6 ]
Enhanced file naming scheme � ACTERNA, Germany and Marconi Communications GmbH, Germany 2001-03-07
[ 5 ]
ETNO Expert Contribution to the TSAG meeting on 19-23 March 2001 � ETNO 2001-03-07
[ 4 ]
Need for collaboration between ITU-T and W3C � Republic of Korea 2001-03-07
[ 3 ]
Cr�ation d'un projet ASN.1 et d'une base de donn�es gratuite de modules ASN.1 � France T�l�com 2001-03-07
[ 2 ]
Proposal on an Electronic Working Method: Electronic Discussion Groups (BBS) � Republic of Korea 2001-03-07
[ 1 ]
Simplifying the preparation of ITU-T documents and improving their quality � ACTERNA, Germany 2001-03-07
Resultats:32 documents
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