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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG11 : R�union�2002-11-11�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG11� TD-WP3�(2002-11-11)�


Sp�cifications et protocoles de signalisation

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2002-11-11 au 2002-11-22

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-03-012003-09-01� [ 2002-11-11 ]� 2002-02-18� 2001-07-02� 2001-05-14� 2001-03-21� 2000-11-27�

Resultats:22 documents
Documents Temporaires �(WP3) �[�AI/Question:�Q12/11�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 41-WP3 ]
Response to liaison: Progress on Y.1530 � Associate Rapporteur (T. Taylor) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-21
[ 40-WP3 ]
ITU-T SG 11 WP3/11 Work Programme - WP 3/11 update � SG11 Vice Chair - WP3/11 Chairman (A. Le Roux) Q10/11, Q11/11, Q12/11, QALL/11 2002-11-21
[ 39-WP3 ]
Draft Q.1912.SIP Annex A: Agreed Output from ITU-T SG11 Meeting, November 2002 � Editor (K. Chong) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-21
[ 38-WP3 ]
Draft Q.1912.SIP: Agreed Output from ITU-T SG11 Meeting, November 2002 � Editor (K. Chong) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-21
[ 37-WP3 ]
Agenda WP3/11 Closing Session � WP3/11 Chairman (A. Le Roux) Q10/11, Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-21
[ 35-WP3 ]
Additional text regarding interworking to TMR'/USI' for draft Q.1912.sip � Associate Rapporteur (T. Taylor) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-20
[ 34-WP3 ]
Draft Q.1912.SIP: Proposed Output of ITU-T SG11 Meeting, November 2002, Geneva, Switzerland � Editor (K. Chong) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-20
[ 33-WP3 ]
Liaison response to SG3 Q1/3 on Identifying Mobile and Payphone-Originated Calls to Home Country Direct (HCD) and International Toll-Free Services (ITFS) � Q12/11 Rapporteur (R. M�nch) Q12/11 2002-11-18
[ 31-WP3 ]
Codepoints for SG15 ASON PNNI-based signalling protocol � WP3/11 Chairman (A. Le Roux) Q12/11 2002-11-14
[ 29-WP3 ]
ISUP text on automatic re-routing (crankback) � Q12 Associate Rapporteur (S. Norreys) Q12/11 2002-11-14
[ 26-WP3 ]
Agreed modifications for inclusion in Q.1903.3 (with revision marks) � Q11/11 Rapporteur (S. Norreys) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-14
[ 25-WP3 ]
Agreed modifications for inclusion in Q.1903.2 � Q11/11 Rapporteur (S. Norreys) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-14
[ 24-WP3 ]
Liaison Statement to SGs 15 & 12 - Signalling for control of Voice Enhancement Devices (VEDs) � Q12/11 Rapporteur (R. M�nch) Q12/11 2002-11-14
[ 23-WP3 ]
Draft Q.1912.SIP: Agreed Input to ITU-T SG11 Meeting, November 2002, Geneva � Editor (K. Chong) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-13
[ 22-WP3 ]
Proposed agenda for work on SIP-BICC/ISUP interworking � Associate Rapporteur (T. Taylor) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-13
[ 19-WP3 ]
SIP capabilities called out by draft Q.1912.sip � Editor (T. Taylor) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-10
[ 17-WP3 ]
Proposed Editorial Changes to Q.1912.SIP � Editor (K. Chong) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-10-31
[ 16-WP3 ]
Draft Q.1912.SIP: Output from Interim Meeting, September 2002, Ottawa, Canada � Editor ( K. Chong) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-10-31
[ 15-WP3 ]
Draft Q.1912.SIP: Output from ITU-T SG11 meeting, February 2002, Geneva, Switzerland. Version 2002.2.22 CLEAN � Editor (K. Chong) Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-10-31
[ 14-WP3 ]
Amendment X to Q.931 � Editor (T. Nishizawa) Q12/11 2002-10-30
[ 4-WP3 ]
Liaison Statement to SGs 2, & 11 - Technical methods for identifying mobile and payphone-originated calls to Home Country Direct (HCD) and International Toll-Free Services (ITFS) � SG3 (GVA 14.06.02) Q1/3, Q12/11 2002-06-18
[ 1-WP3 ]
AGENDA - WP 3/11 PLENARY SESSIONS � WP3/11 Chairperson (A. Le Roux) Q10/11, Q11/11, Q12/11 2002-11-11
Resultats:22 documents
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