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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG11 : R�union�2002-11-11�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG11� TD-GEN�(2002-11-11)�


Sp�cifications et protocoles de signalisation

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2002-11-11 au 2002-11-22

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-03-012003-09-01� [ 2002-11-11 ]� 2002-02-18� 2001-07-02� 2001-05-14� 2001-03-21� 2000-11-27�

Resultats:23 documents
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�Q6/11�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 93-GEN ]
Report on the meeting to support IEPS � SG 11 Coordinator (W. Lange) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-21
[ 89-GEN ]
Draft Amendments for all ISUP protocol versions to support IEPS as described at present in E.106 � SG11 Coordinator (W. Lange) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-20
[ 88-GEN ]
Report of joint Qs6/11 & 9/11 and joint Qs6/11 & 7/11 discussions � Q6/11 Rapporteur (K. Mainwaring) Q6/11, Q7/11, Q9/11 2002-11-20
[ 86-GEN ]
Reply to Liaison Statement on the Compendia of Communication Systems Security � Q1/11 Rapporteur (J. Dobrowolski) Q10/17, Q11/11, Q2/11, Q3/11, Q4/11, Q5/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-20
[ 78-GEN ]
Signalling Requirements for the Support of Narrowband Services Via Broadband Transport Technologies, CS3 (Signalling Flows) - (TRQ.2142.1) � Editor (M. Dolly) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-18
[ 68-GEN ]
The Generic Transparency Descriptor (GTD) Q.GTD.2 - The Usage Rules and Mapping Specifications for ITU-T ISUP � Editor (T. Fu) Q16PNEW/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-15
[ 67-GEN ]
The Generic Transparency Descriptor (GTD) Syntax � Editor (M. Hammer + K Mainwaring) Q16PNEW/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-15
[ 66-GEN ]
Discussion Summary of WP 1/11 & WP 2/11 Opening Plenary Meeting � WP2/11 Chairman (G. Ratta) Q1/11, Q2/11, Q3/11, Q4/11, Q5/11, Q6/11, Q7/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2002-11-21
[ 65-GEN ]
Agenda for IEPS � Q12/11 Rapporteur (R. M�nch) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-14
[ 58-GEN ]
Liaison Statement from SSG - Information for ETS issues "Live-list" � SSG (GVA 4 - 8 Nov. 2002) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q6/SSG, Q9/11 2002-11-10
[ 57-GEN ]
Draft Recommendation Y.1530 (November 2002) �
Re-issue of TD 23 (WP2/11)
SG13 (GVA 29Oct - 8 Nov 2002) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2002-11-08
[ 45-GEN ]
Editor's proposals for draft new Recommendation Q.sipprof � Editor (T. Taylor) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 44-GEN ]
Baseline text of Q.sipprof out of Geneva (02/02) � Editor (T. Taylor) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 40-GEN ]
Liaison Statement - New Question on Use of Public Telecommunication Services or Emergency and Disaster Relief Operations � SG 16 (GVA 15-25 October 2002) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, QI/16 2002-10-30
[ 39-GEN ]
Liaison Statement to SG 11 on need to coordinate changes to H.246 Annex C � SG 16 (GVA, 15-25 October 2002) Q1/11, Q11/11, Q12/11, Q3/16, Q6/11 2002-10-30
[ 33-GEN ]
Output Baseline Requirements for Specifying Interworking between BICC/ISUP PEER-TO-PEER Protocol and SIP/SDP at "NNI" - from the September 2002 Rapporteurs Meeting, Ottawa, Canada � Editor (M. Dolly) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-11-20
[ 30-GEN ]
REPORT OF JOINT Q6/11 & Q9/11 RAPPORTEUR MEETING, OTTAWA, SEPTEMBER 9-13 2002 � Rapprtr 9/11 & (Temp) 6/11 Q6/11, Q9/11, QALL/11 2002-10-15
[ 17-GEN ]
LIAISON STATEMENT - REPLY TO ITU-T SGs 11, 2,4 &16 ON EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATIONS. � SG9 (GVA 3-7 JUNE 2002) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q13/9, Q6/11 2002-07-18
[ 12-GEN ]
LS to TSAG, SGs 2,3,9,11,12,13,16 & 17 - RESPONSE TO STUDY GROUP 16 LIAISON ON DRAFT NEW QUESTION Qets/16 FOR EMERGENCY TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE (ETS) � SG4 (GVA 8-19 APR.2002) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q6/11, Q9/11, Q9/4, QETS/16 2002-04-26
[ 9-GEN ]
LS to All SGs - LIAISON ON THE COMPENDIA OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS SECURITY � SG17 (GVA 27/02-08/03/02) Q1/11, Q10/17, Q11/11, Q2/11, Q3/11, Q4/11, Q5/11, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-04-09
[ 8-GEN ]
LS to SGs 11,2,4,9,12,,13,15,16 & SSG (for Action) - LIAISON STATEMENT ON THE USER REQUIREMENT NOTATION (urn) � SG17 (GVA 27/02/02 - 08/03/02) Q1/11, Q18/17, Q2/11, Q6/11, Q7/11, Q9/11 2002-10-25
[ 7-GEN ]
LS to SGs 11,9,16(Q.ETS/16) & SSG (Q6/SSG) FOR INFO - PROPOSED REVISIONS TO E.106 � SG2 (7-16 MAY 2002) Q11/11, Q12/11, Q3/2, Q6/11, Q9/11 2002-05-20
[ 6-GEN ]
LS to SG 11,4,9,12,13,15,16 - TRANSMITTING DRAFT RECOMMENDATION E.QSC FOR INFORMATION AND COMMENT � SG2 (GVA 7-16 MAY 2002) Q2/2, Q6/11, Q8/11, Q9/11 2002-05-20
Resultats:23 documents
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