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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG11 : R�union�2002-02-18�: Contributions Tardives� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG11� D�(2002-02-18)�


Sp�cifications et protocoles de signalisation

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2002-02-18 au 2002-03-01

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-03-012003-09-012002-11-11� [ 2002-02-18 ]� 2001-07-022001-05-14� 2001-03-21� 2000-11-27

Resultats:75 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions Tardives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 308 ]
Trans-Technology Routing and Management � Swisscom Ltd. Q13/11 2002-02-06
[ 307 ]
New Parameters for TI-SCCP � Swisscom Ltd Q13/11 2002-02-06
[ 306 ]
Enhancements to Baseline Recommendation Q.1912.SIP. � UK Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 305 ]
Internet draft "SDP extensions for negotiating end-to-end Perceived QoS" � Alcatel & KPN Q9/11, Q8/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 304 ]
Protocol text for URI transport to facilitate SIP-BICC interworking � KPN Q9/11, Q6/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 303 ]
Proposed baseline text for "Roadmap to the BICC protocol Recommendations, BICC interworking Recommendations, and BICC requirement supplements" (Supplement to the Q-series Recommendations) � KPN Q15/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q8/11, Q6/11, Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 302 ]
End-to-end QoS service control based on QoS classes and/or QoS parameters � KPN Q11/11, Q9/11, Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 301 ]
Use of QoS classes and handling of propagation delay at application (service) level � KPN Q11/11, Q9/11, Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 300 ]
Coding support for end-to-end QoS information transfer over BICC and CBC � Alcatel & KPN Q9/11, Q8/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 299 ]
Internet draft "A Framework for End-to-End User Perceived QoS Negotiation" � Alcatel & KPN Q11/11, Q9/11, Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 298 ]
Access Network Protocol enhancements for the support of the IMN configuration � Siemens AG Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 297 ]
Access Network requirement signalling flows for the IMN configuration � Siemens AG Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 296 ]
Call Handling for the International Emergency Preference Scheme (IEPS), procedural aspects � Germany Q12/11, Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 295 ]
Marking of Calls of the International Emergency Preference Scheme (IEPS), coding aspects � Germany Q12/11, Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 294 ]
Requirements for the Support of the International Emergency Preference Scheme (IEPS) � Germany Q12/11, Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 293 ]
Adequacy of protocols to resource control requirements � France Telecom Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11, Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 292 ]
Resource control requirements at the boundary between access and core networks � France Telecom Q11/11, Q6/11, Q9/11, Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 291 ]
Update to draft TRQ.amsir � Canada Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 290 ]
General aspects of ATM signalling over MPLS � Canada Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 289 ]
ATM over MPLS signalling flows � Canada Q12/11, Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 288 ]
Extensions to DSS2 for ATM signalling over MPLS � Canada Q8/11, Q12/11 2002-02-06
[ 287 ]
Protocols and protocol stacks for signalling between BICC Access Network and BICC Serving Node � Siemens AG Q13/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 286 ]
Proposed Changes to Q.1902.6 to clarify bearer redirection enhancements first proposed (and accepted) in Gra-094 � Nortel Networks (UK) Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 285 ]
Inter working of ISUP Parameter Compatibility Information with SIP networks � Nortel Networks (UK) Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 284 ]
Specification of COLP/COLR inter working service annex. � Nortel Networks (UK) Q12/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 283 ]
Proposed Annex C.1 "Inter working of CLIP/CLIR supplementary services with SIP networks � Nortel Networks (UK) Q12/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 282 ]
Modifications to Basic call ISUP/SIP and SIP/ISUP interworking to support Calling Party Number � Nortel Networks (UK) Q12/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 281 ]
SLS value in the GTS 'TRANSFER.indication' primitive � UK Q13/11 2002-02-06
[ 280 ]
Overload Control in a BICC B-IWF. � UK Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 279 ]
Inadequacies in Q.2150.1 � UK Q13/11, Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 278 ]
Q.1950 Amendment 1 additions � LM Ericsson Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 277 ]
Proposed update of the API reference document � NTT Corporation Q4/11 2002-02-06
[ 276 ]
A proposal on control of Digital Multiplexing Equipment (DME) with low-bit-rate voice codec (LVC) for tandem mode operation � KDDI Corporation Q10/11 2002-02-06
[ 275 ]
Attribute Tone/DTMF capability for codecs in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 274 ]
New Codec Clearmode in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 273 ]
Silence Suppression for Codec G.711 in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 272 ]
New Codec T.38 in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 271 ]
The state and problems of IP telephony � NEC corporation, NTT Q7/11 2002-02-06
[ 270 ]
Temporary Alternative Routing Procedure in Q.AAL2 CS3 � L.M. Ericsson Q15/11 2002-02-06
[ 269 ]
Hop Counter Procedure in Q.AAL2 CS3 � L.M. Ericsson Q15/11 2002-02-06
[ 268 ]
Automatic Congestion Control in Q.AAL2 CS3 � L.M. Ericsson Q15/11 2002-02-06
[ 267 ]
Priority Service in Q.AAL2 CS3 � L.M. Ericsson Q15/11 2002-02-06
[ 266 ]
Proposed Document Structure for Q.2630.3 (AAL Type 2 Signalling Protocol, Capability Set 3) � Ericsson Ltd Q15/11 2002-02-06
[ 265 ]
Proposed Meeting Schedule for Year 2002, regarding AAL Type 2 Signalling CS3 � Ericsson Ltd Q15/11, Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 264 ]
Questions on I.255.4 Priority Service in the BICC Architecture � Ericsson Ltd Q15/11, Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 263 ]
Proposed New Corrigendum to ITU-T Recommendation Q.1902.3 � Ericsson Ltd Q12/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 262 ]
Proposed New Corrigendum to ITU-T Recommendation Q.1901 � Ericsson Ltd Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 261 ]
Proposed Signalling Requirements for AAL Type 2 to IP Interworking � Siemens AG Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 260 ]
Clarification of interworking versus protocol development � Australia QALL/11 2002-02-06
[ 259 ]
Movement of Q.15/11 from WP4 to WP3 of SG11 � Australia QALL/11 2002-02-06
Resultats:75 documents
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