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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG11 : R�union�2000-11-27�: Contributions Tardives� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG11� D�(2000-11-27)�


Sp�cifications et protocoles de signalisation

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2000-11-27 au 2000-12-06

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-03-012003-09-012002-11-112002-02-182001-07-022001-05-14� 2001-03-21� [ 2000-11-27 ]�

Resultats:114 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions Tardives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 114 ]
Support of a direction indication in the generic announcement package � France Telecom Q22/11, Q21/11, Q6/11, QBICC/11 2000-11-15
[ 113 ]
Relationship between the IN BCSM and BICC CSM � France Telecom Q21/11, Q6/11, Q22/11 2000-11-15
[ 112 ]
Clarification of the CSM definition � France Telecom Q22/11, QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 111 ]
TCP port number for Q.56 (formerly Q.BSPNE) � Tellabs OY Q9/11 2000-11-15
[ 110 ]
Handling of abnormal termination of TCP/IP connection at the BSPNE for Q.56 (formerly Q.BSPNE) � Tellabs OY Q9/11 2000-11-15
[ 109 ]
TCP port number for Q.55 implementor's guide � Tellabs Operations, Inc. Q9/11 2000-11-15
[ 108 ]
Need for SG11 to initiate activities to address issues related to the signalling interworking between ATM and MPLS � Canada QSoI/11 2000-11-15
[ 107 ]
Service primitives in Q.MMP for supplementary services related services � LM Ericsson QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 106 ]
Proposed alignment with IETF tone definitions for E.182 tones � Nortel Networks (UK) QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 105 ]
Q.MMP enhancements � France Telecom QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 104 ]
Proposed new annex to Q.2630.2 for SDL diagrams � Swisscom Ltd Q20/11, Q13/11 2000-11-15
[ 103 ]
Access protocol considerations � Nortel Networks, UK QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 102 ]
Requirement on controlling network/node ID � Cesky Telecom, A.S. QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 101 ]
Comments on Annex C to H.246 � Cesky Telecom, A.S. QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 100 ]
Requirement on controlling network/node ID � Cesky Telecom. A.S. QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 99 ]
Proposed study approach for new question 4/11 (K/11) allocated to SG11 � NTT Q22/11, Q4/11, Q1/11 2000-11-15
[ 98 ]
Modifications to the draft Q.1248.6: SCF-SCF interface � NTT Q22/11 2000-11-15
[ 97 ]
Comments on draft Rec. Q.CBC version 13 � France Telecom QBICC/11, Q20/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q11/11 2000-11-15
[ 96 ]
Comments on draft Rec. Q.1244 � France Telecom Q22/11, Q5/11 2000-11-15
[ 95 ]
Comments to overall requirements flows � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 94 ]
BICC Codec modification and Mid-call codec negotiation procedures � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q20/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 93 ]
Codec modification and MID call Codec negotiation � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 92 ]
Interaction between the bearer control and CBC protocol procedures � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 91 ]
Protocol support for out of band transport of DTMF and tone information in BICC: Extensions to Q.1902.4 � Siemens AG, KPN, Ericsson QBICC/11, Q20/11, Q13/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 90 ]
Modified Codec modification procedures- CBC protocol � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q20/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 89 ]
Proposed overload control requirements BICC � BT QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 88 ]
Comments on the BICC bearer control tunnelling protocol (Q.BCTP) and IP bearer control protocol (Q.IPBCP) � Telia AB Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 87 ]
Bearer redirection protocol optimisation (break before make) � Nortel Networks (UK) QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 86 ]
Enhancements to bearer redirection protocol � Nortel Networks, UK QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 85 ]
Enhancement to bearer redirection requirements flows � Nortel Networks QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 84 ]
Proposed alterations to Q.CBC version 13 � Nortel Networks (UK) QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 83 ]
Bearer redirection protocol editorial amendments � Nortel Networks (UK) QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 82 ]
Tunnelling indicator in BICC � Nortel Networks (UK), Marconi (UK) QBICC/11, QALL/11 2000-11-15
[ 81 ]
GAT ASN.1 corrections for Q.860 � BT Q12/11, Q11/11 2000-11-15
[ 80 ]
Proposed implementer's guides for certain service interactions between the ISDN CCBS and ISDN CFNR supplementary services � UK QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 79 ]
Action ID. for APPS with tunnel data � UK QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 78 ]
Alignment of proposed CBC protocol with H.248 � UK QBICC/11, Q12/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 77 ]
CBC protocol - TDM call/connection interface related aspects (H.248 for control of ISUP, DSS1, and V5.1/V5.2 interfaces) � Telia AB Q12/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 76 ]
Generic bearer information transport and explicit indication of bearer control parameters in Q.765.5 � Telia AB Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 75 ]
Editorial comments to Q.2630.2 � LM Ericsson Q20/11, Q13/11 2000-11-15
[ 74 ]
BICC/H.323 interworking procedures for end-to-end Codec negotiation � France Telecom QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 73 ]
Extension of the scope of Recommendation Q.19xx � France Telecom QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 72 ]
Proposed amendment to Recommendation Q.19XX.3 in order to take into account the availability of the bearer in the H.323 network � France Telecom QBICC/11, Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 71 ]
Exception to the ISUP call diversion supplementary services documents due to the new global call reference parameter � France Telecom Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 70 ]
Extension of the circuit identification field in SS7 Recommendation Q.763 � Canada Q12/11 2000-11-15
[ 69 ]
Correction to Recommendation Q.922 � Canada Q14/11 2000-11-15
[ 68 ]
Signalling requirements for the support of the call bearer control interface (TRQ.xxx) � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q20/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 67 ]
Modified Codec modification procedures - CBC requirements � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q20/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 66 ]
Comments BICC IP Bearer Control Protocol � LM Ericsson QBICC/11, Q21/11, Q20/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q6/11 2000-11-15
[ 65 ]
User profile structure in Q.MMP � LM Ericsson AB QALL/11 2000-11-15
Resultats:114 documents
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