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Page d'accueil : Bureau du Secr�taire g�n�ral : CWGWSIS42 : R�union�2025-02-10�: Documents d'information� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-SG�CWGWSIS42� INF�(2025-02-10)�


Council Working Group on WSIS and SDGs

R�union� du 2025-02-10 au 2025-02-11

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : N/A

Resultats:11 documents
Documents d'information �[�Source:�SG�]�

Titre Source Date
[ 11 ]
G20 South Africa 2025 � SG 2025-02-11
[ 10 ]
European Union's statement to the 42nd CWG-WSIS&SDG � SG 2025-02-11
[ 9 ]
Letter from President of the General Assembly on the co-facilitators letter on the Zero Draft of the modalities for the overall review � SG 2025-02-09
[ 8 ]
Implementation of resolutions on WSIS within ITU-R � SG 2025-02-09
[ 7 ]
WSIS sessions at the IGF 2024 � SG 2025-02-07
[ 6 ]
Draft Roadmap of ITU actions related to the SDGs � SG 2025-02-09
[ 5 ]
Implementation of the Kigali Action Plan (KAP) � SG 2025-02-07
[ 4 ]
Implementation of resolutions on WSIS within ITU-T � SG 2025-02-07
[ 3 ]
Letter from the President of the General Assembly on the appointment of co-facilitators for WSIS+20 modalities review � SG 2025-02-06
[ 2 ]
WSIS+20 review action lines milestones, challenges and emerging trends beyond 2025 � SG 2025-02-06
[ 1 ]
WSIS process and 2030 agenda - GDC matrix (Draft) � SG 2025-02-05
Resultats:11 documents
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