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Page d'accueil : Bureau du Secr�taire g�n�ral : CWGFHR17 : Contributions : 17 Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
[17]� Multi-country contribution - Draft decision "on the equal representation of regions in the independent management advisory committee (IMAC)"



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84268 octets 2024-01-24 [17]�Revision 1


84308 octets 2024-01-12 [17]�

Document :

UIT-SG�CWGFHR17� Contribution� 17

Titre :

Multi-country contribution - Draft decision "on the equal representation of regions in the independent management advisory committee (IMAC)"

Re�u le :


Source :

Russian Federation , Armenia , Belarus , Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan

R�union :


Disponibilit� :

Document public

R�sum� :

Taking into account the terms of reference of the ITU Council and the CWG-FHR relating to the IMAC, the CWG-FHR is invited to consider a draft Decision "On the equal representation of Regions in The Independent Management Advisory Committee (IMAC)" aimed at increasing the transparency of the appointment of the IMAC members and improving the situation with the equal representation of regions in the IMAC. The draft Decision is proposed for further discussion and adoption by the Council.

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