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[5]� Report on establishing a governance structure for cyber security, IT and data/information



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90374 octets 2023-12-21 [5]�

Document :

UIT-SG�CWGFHR17� Contribution� 5

Titre :

Report on establishing a governance structure for cyber security, IT and data/information

Re�u le :


Source :


R�union :


Disponibilit� :

Document public

R�sum� :

This document proposes a comprehensive governance framework, responding to the IMAC recommendations regarding the need for a resilient governance structure for IT, Cybersecurity and data, leveraging existing committees like the ICTC, with representatives from the general secretariat and three bureaus. This proposed structure distinctly separates governance and operations for IT, cybersecurity, and data. Governance sets strategic goals, direction, and policies, while operations implement and execute activities to achieve these goals.

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