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Page d'accueil : Bureau du Secr�taire g�n�ral : CWGFHR16 : R�union�2023-10-11�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-SG�CWGFHR16� C�(2023-10-11)�


Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources

R�union� du 2023-10-11 au 2023-10-13

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : N/A

Resultats:14 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�SG�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 15 ]
Report on the Union's headquarters premises project � SG 2023-09-11
[ 14 ]
Proposal of an oversight charter � SG 2023-09-11
[ 13 ]
The development of the report on the One ITU implementation � SG 2023-09-11
[ 12 ]
Review of the list of exempted entities � SG 2023-09-08
[ 11 ]
Towards a Resource Mobilization Strategy: Outcomes of the ITU World Caf� on Revenue Generation � SG 2023-09-08
[ 10 ]
Strengthening the Regional Presence - Criteria for Establishing Future Area Offices � SG 2023-09-08
[ 9 ]
Human resources reporting and statistics � SG 2023-09-06
[ 8 ]
Operational Transformation � SG 2023-09-06
[ 7 ]
Implementation of Resolution 167 (Rev. Bucharest, 2022) of the Plenipotentiary Conference from 2024 and beyond � SG 2023-09-06
[ 6 ]
Report on cybersecurity framework and internal controls within ITU � SG 2023-09-04
[ 5 ]
Strategy for Inter-Sectoral Coordination � SG 2023-09-04
[ 4 ]
Presentation on risk management and compliance activities � SG 2023-09-01
[ 3 ]
Proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules - Edition 2018 � SG 2023-08-30
[ 2 ]
In-Kind contributions guidelines � SG 2023-08-30
Resultats:14 documents
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