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Session 2019 du Conseil

Resultats:21 documents
Documents d'information��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Destinataires Date
[ 21 ]
ITU New Headquarter project � SG 2019-06-17
[ 20 ]
ITU New Headquarter project � SG 2019-06-15
[ 19 ]
G20 Ministerial meeting on Digital Economy - G20 Ministerial Statement on Trade and Digital Economy � SG 2019-06-12
[ 18 ]
Procurement manual � SG 2019-06-11
[ 17 ]
Meeting of the G7 Ministers responsible for digital issues under the overarching theme building digital trust together - Chair's summary � SG 2019-06-11
[ 16 ]
Implementation of Resolution 131 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) - Measuring information and communication technologies to build an integrating and inclusive information society � SG 2019-06-06
[ 15 ]
Information and communication technologies development fund (ICT-DF) � SG 2019-06-06
[ 14 ]
Fraud case in a regional office - facts and remedial actions taken � SG 2019-05-16
[ 13 ]
Compilation of the reports of the annual ITU Council contribution to the High-Level Political Forums in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 � SG PL 2019-05-15
[ 12 ]
Report on numbering misuse � SG 2019-05-08
[ 11 ]
Information on fellowships awarded by ITU in 2018 � SG 2019-05-03
[ 10 ]
Human Resources Reporting and Statistics � SG 2019-05-02
[ 9 ]
Annex to the report from the former Chairman of GCA High-Level Experts group � SG 2019-05-01
[ 8 ]
Collaboration with the United Nations system � SG 2019-04-16
[ 7 ]
Strengthening the regional presence � SG 2019-04-16
[ 6 ]
Possible areas of mutual interest to the three Sectors and the General Secretariat � SG 2019-04-11
[ 5 ]
Situation of arrrears of the Union at 31 March 2019 � SG COM 2019-04-11
[ 4 ]
UNGA Resolutions 71/243 and 72/279 � SG COM 2019-03-21
[ 3 ]
ITU Council contribution to the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) � SG 2019-03-01
[ 2 ]
UN SWAP 2017 report letter � SG 2019-02-08
[ 1 ]
Report of the Budget Control Committee of the Plenipotentiary Conference � SG 2019-01-24
Resultats:21 documents
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