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Page d'accueil : Bureau du Secr�taire g�n�ral : CL : Distribution Limit�e�() : 3 Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
[3]� Proposal by the Chairman of the Drafting Group on Resolution 1332 (WSIS) and SDGs - Working Draft Resolution 1332 (based on proposals by the Russian Federation [C16/87], the United States of America [C16/75, C16/ 84], and Council Document [C16/58])



Mise � disposition



54354 octets 2016-05-30 [3]�Revision 1 Request unofficial machine translation [See disclaimer & feedback]


64912 octets 2016-05-27 [3]� Request unofficial machine translation [See disclaimer & feedback]

Document :

UIT-SG�CL� Distribution Limit�e� 3

Titre :

Proposal by the Chairman of the Drafting Group on Resolution 1332 (WSIS) and SDGs - Working Draft Resolution 1332 (based on proposals by the Russian Federation [C16/87], the United States of America [C16/75, C16/ 84], and Council Document [C16/58])

Re�u le :


Source :

Drafting Group

Disponibilit� :

R�serv� aux utilisateurs TIES�[UIT-SG]

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Mis � jour le :�2016-05-30