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Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources

Resultats:20 documents
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 20 ]
Summary report of the third meeting � Chairman 2014-03-05
[ 19 ]
Supplementary information regarding the expenditure on interpretation, translation and text processing in respect of the official languages of the Union � SG 2014-02-24
[ 18 ]
Recommendations of the Independent Management Advisory Committee (IMAC) � SG 2014-02-24
[ 17 ]
Supplementary Information Regarding Sector Membership � SG 2014-02-24
[ 16 ]
International Numbering Resources - Reform Proposals � SG 2014-02-24
[ 15 ]
Access to ITU documents � SG 2014-02-20
[ 14 ]
ITU Secretariat comments related to Employee Benefits � SG 2014-02-17
[ 13 ]
Discussion Document: Potential Sector Membership Reforms (Including Sector Members, Associates and Academia) � SG 2014-02-17
[ 12 ]
Study of methodologies for the participation of Sector Members, Associates and Academia � United States of America 2014-02-13
[ 11 ]
Draft Financial Plan of the Union, 2016-2019 � SG 2014-02-11
[ 10 ]
Contribution from the Russian Federation on draft cooperation agreement on the use of national satellite monitoring earth stations � Russian Federation 2014-02-11
[ 9 ]
Contribution from the Russian Federation - Towards the issue on clarification of the term Finances of the Union � Russian Federation 2014-02-11
[ 8 ]
Follow-up on the recommendations of the External Auditor � SG 2014-02-10
[ 7 ]
Contribution from Japan - Consideration of potentially significant risks � Japan 2014-02-07
[ 6 ]
Implementation of the Human Resources Strategic Plan and of Resolution 48 (Rev. Guadalajara 2010) � SG 2014-02-05
[ 5 ]
Proposed revision of Decision 535 (MOD) � SG 2014-02-05
[ 4 ]
Proposed amendments to Decision 5 (Rev. Guadalajara, 2010) � SG 2014-02-05
[ 3 ]
Proposed amendments to Decision 563 (modified 2013) - Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources � SG 2014-01-16
[ 2 ]
Follow-up on Decisions 574 and 571 (MOD) � SG 2014-01-16
[ 1 ]
Draft agenda of the third meeting of the Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources � SG 2013-12-10
Resultats:20 documents
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