Format |
Taille |
Mise � disposition |
English |
29886 octets |
2021-04-15 |
[109]�Annex 13- Final list of participants |
36226 octets |
2021-05-12 |
[109]�Annex 12- List of output (TEMP) documents (Documents 7B/TEMP/33 - 7D/TEMP/50) |
1346105 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 11- Working document towards a revision of Report ITU-R SA.2307-0 - Protection of SRS and FSS systems sharing the 37.5-38 GHz band
32011 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 10- Initial draft liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4B and 4C - Technical and operational characteristics of the space operation service (SOS) systems that use the 2 025-2 110 MHz (Earth-to-space) (space-to-space) and 2 200-2 290 MHz (space-to-Earth) (space-to-space) frequency bands |
54826 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 09- Working document towards a preliminary draft new [Report/Recommendation] ITU-R SA.[2GHz SOS CHAR] - Technical and operational characteristics of the space operation service (SOS) systems that use the 2 025-2 110 MHz (Earth-to-space) (space-to-space) and 2 200-2 290 MHz (space-to-Earth) (space-to-space) frequency bands |
32381 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 08- Terms of Reference for Correspondence Group on preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[EESS-METSAT CHAR] |
1152648 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 07- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[EESS-METSAT CHAR] - Characteristics to be used for assessing interference to systems operating in the Earth exploration-satellite and meteorological-satellite services, and for conducting sharing studies |
796911 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 06- Working document towards preliminary draft new Recommendations ITU-R SA.[S-BAND DL USE OPT] and ITU-R SA.[S-BAND UL USE OPT] - Guidelines on the use of the 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz frequency bands by SRS/EESS/SOS satellites |
31425 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 05- Preliminary draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1154-0 - Provisions to protect the space research (SR), space operations (SO) and Earth exploration-satellite services (EESS) and to facilitate sharing with the mobile service in the 2 025-2 110 MHz and 2 200-2 290 MHz bands |
31743 octets |
2021-04-27 |
[109]�Annex 04- Preliminary draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R SA.1743 - Maximum allowable degradation to radiocommunication links of the space research and space operation services arising from interference from emissions and radiations from other radio sources |
35892 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 03- Proposed working Party 7B draft work plan for WRC-23 agenda item 1.13 - Possible upgrade of the SRS allocation in the 14.8-15.35 GHz band |
100414 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 02- Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[15 GHZ SRS CHARACTERISTICS] - Characteristics of SRS Systems in the frequency range 14.8-15.35 GHz |
983720 octets |
2021-04-14 |
[109]�Annex 01- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[15 GHZ SRS SHARING] - Sharing and Compatibility Studies for the SRS in the band 14.8-15.35 GHz |
81309 octets |
2021-05-11 |
[109]�- Report of the April 2021 meeting of Working Party 7B with a view to its next meeting (September 2021) |