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Resultats:41 documents
Documents Administratifs �[�Source:�SWG Sharing Studies�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 460 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th and 5th meetings of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies- Tuesday, 20 June 2023, Period 3 (1300-1400 Geneva time), Room Popov 1 - Wednesday, 21 June 2023, Period 6 (1715-1815 Geneva time), Room A � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2023-06-20
[ 459 ]
Draft agenda for IMT/MSS 1.5 GHz common session between WPs 4C and 5D - Wednesday, 21 June 2023, 1415-1515 Geneva time (Room A) � Chairman, SWG 4C5 (WP 4C) , Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies (WP 5D) 2023-06-20
[ 439 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 14 June 2023, Period 1 (0900-1000, Geneva time) (Room Popov 1) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2023-06-13
[ 428 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st and 2nd meetings of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Monday, 12 June 2023, Periods 3 and 4 (1300-1400 and 1430-1530 Geneva time) (Room Popov) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2023-06-12
[ 412 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd and 3rd meetings of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 8 February 2023, Periods 3 and 4 (1300-1400 and 1430-1530 Geneva time) (Room Popov 1) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2023-02-08
[ 384 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Tuesday, 31 January 2023, Period 4 (1430-1530 Geneva time) (Room Popov) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2023-01-31
[ 363 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Thursday, 20 October 2022, Period 1 (0900-1000 Geneva time) (Room Popov) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-10-19
[ 342 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Friday, 14 October 2022, Period 4 (1430-1530 Geneva time) (Room Popov) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-10-13
[ 330 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Tuesday, 11 October 2022, Period 2 (1030-1130 Geneva time) (Room Popov) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-10-10
[ 311 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Thursday, 23 June 2022, Period 1 (0900-1000 Geneva time) (Room Popov) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-06-23
[ 308 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 22 June 2022, Period 5 (1600-1700 Geneva time) (Room Popov) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-06-22
[ 282 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st and 2nd meetings of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Monday, 13 June 2022, Period 3 (1300-1400 Geneva time) - Tuesday, 14 June 2022, Period 2 (1030-1130 Geneva time) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-06-13
[ 258 ]
Draft agenda for the 6th meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Tuesday, 22 February 2022, Period 2 (1330-1440 CET) (Virtual Meeting - V-Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-02-22
[ 249 ]
Draft agenda for the 5th meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Friday, 18 February 2022, Period 0 (1100-1200 CET) (Virtual Meeting - V-Room 1) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-02-17
[ 243 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Tuesday, 15 February 2022, Period 0 (1100-1200 CET) (Virtual Meeting - V-Room 1) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-02-14
[ 234 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Thursday, 10 February 2022, Period 1 (1200-1310 CET) (Virtual Meeting - V-Room 4) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-02-09
[ 227 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 9 February 2022, Period 1 (1200-1310 CET) - (Virtual Meeting - V-Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-02-08
[ 218 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Monday, 7 February 2022, Period 3 (1500-1610 CET) (if time permits) / Wednesday, 9 February 2022, Period 1 (1200-1310 CET) - (Virtual Meeting - V-Room 1 (7 February 2022) / V-Room 2 (9 February 2022)) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2022-02-07
[ 207 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Thursday, 14 October 2021, Period 1 (1200-1310 CEST) (Virtual - V-Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-10-13
[ 197 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Monday, 11 October 2021, Period 3 (1500-1610 CEST) (Virtual - V-Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-10-11
[ 182 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Monday, 4 October 2021, Period 3 (1500-1610 CEST) (Virtual - V-room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-10-04
[ 167 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th and 5th meetings of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday,16 June 2021, Periods 0 (1100-1200 CEST) and 1 (1200-1310 CEST) (Virtual - V-Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-06-17
[ 165 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 16 June 2021, Period 1 (1200-1310 CEST) (Virtual - V-Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-06-16
[ 158 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Tuesday, 15 June 2021, Period 0 (1100-1200 CEST) (Virtual - V Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-06-14
[ 142 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Monday, 7 June 2021, Period 3 (1500-1610 CEST) (Virtual - V Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-06-07
[ 132 ]
Draft agenda for the 8th meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 11 March 2021, Period 1 (1200-1310 CET) (Virtual - V Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-03-11
[ 129 ]
Draft agenda for the 6th and 7th meetings of SWG Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 10 March 2021, Period 1 (1200-1310 CET) Wednesday, 10 March 2021, Period 3 (following SWG AI 1.4 and until 1610 CET) (Virtual - V Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-03-10
[ 121 ]
Draft agenda for the 5th meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Friday, 5 March 2021, Period 3 (1500-1610 CET) (Virtual - V Room 6) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-03-05
[ 120 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Thursday, 4 March 2021, Period 1 from 1200 hours followed by DG Article 21.5 (Virtual - V Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-03-04
[ 117 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 3 March 2021, Period 3 (1500-1610 CET) (Virtual - V Room 6) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-03-03
[ 108 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st and 2nd meetings of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Monday, 1 March 2021, Period 3 (1500-1610 CET); Tuesday, 2 March 2021, Period 1 (1200-1310 CET) (Virtual - V Room 5) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2021-03-01
[ 87 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Thursday, 15 October 2020, Session 1 (1230-1410 CEST, V Room 6) � SWG Sharing Studies 2020-10-15
[ 74 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 7 October 2020, Session 1 (1300-1320 CEST, followed by DG Article 21.5) (V Room 6) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-10-07
[ 68 ]
Draft agenda for the first meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Monday, 5 October 2020, Session 3 (1620-1730 CEST) (V Room 6) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-10-05
[ 54 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Friday, 3 July 2020, 1300-1430 (Virtual meeting - Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-07-03
[ 51 ]
Draft agenda for the 3rd meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Tuesday, 30 June 2020 - Period 2 (1545-1715) (Virtual meeting - Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-06-30
[ 50 ]
Draft agenda for the 2nd meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 25 June 2020 from 1545 hours (followed by Drafting Group Article 21.5) (Virtual meeting - Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-06-25
[ 49 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st meeting of SWG Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 24 June 2020, Periods 1 (following WG SPEC & WRC-23 PREP - 1530) and 2 (1545-1715) (Virtual meeting - Room 2) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-06-24
[ 35 ]
Draft agenda for the 5th and 6th meetings of SWG Sharing Studies - Tuesday, 25 February 2020, Period 1 (following SWG Frequency Arrangements at 1015 hours) and Period 2 (from 1045 to 1200) (Room C, ITU Tower) � SWG Sharing Studies 2020-02-25
[ 28 ]
Draft agenda for the 4th meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Friday, 21 February 2020, Period 4 (1615-1730 followed by DG AAS Modelling) (CICG, Room 1) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-02-21
[ 19 ]
Draft agenda for the 1st and 2nd meetings of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies - Wednesday, 19 February 2020 - Periods 4 (1545-1700) and 5 (1730-1845) (CICG, Room 1) � Chairman, SWG Sharing Studies 2020-02-19
Resultats:41 documents
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