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Service mobile terrestre au-dessus de 30 MHz* (� l�exclusion des IMT); acc�s hertzien dans le service fixe; service d�amateur et service d�amateur par satellite

Resultats:37 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�AI9.1�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 412 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[AMATEUR.CHARACTERISTICS] - Amateur and amateur-satellite services characteristics and usage in the 1 240-1 300 MHz frequency band � France AI9.1B) 2023-09-05
[ 383 ]
Draft liaison statement to Working Party 4C (Copy to Working Party 3M for information) - Report on progress of agenda item 9.1, topic b) for WRC-23 � France AI9.11B) 2023-05-02
[ 320 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1B) 2022-11-04
[ 316 ]
Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[AMATEUR.CHARACTERISTICS] - Amateur and amateur-satellite services characteristics and usage in the 1 240-1 300 MHz frequency band � France AI9.1B) 2022-11-04
[ 315 ]
Reply liaison statement to Wolrking Party 4C - Report on progress of agenda item 9.1, topic b) for WRC-23 � France AI9.1B) 2022-11-04
[ 314 ]
Proposed modifications to the working document towards a prreliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] - Guidance on technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the amateur and amateur-satellite service in order to protect the radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth) � France , China (People's Republic of) , Korea (Republic of) AI9.1B) 2022-11-04
[ 287 ]
Proposal on WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic C � United Arab Emirates AI9.1C) 2022-05-17
[ 282 ]
Working document towards a draft new Recommendation - Guidance on the implementation of technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the amateur and amateur-satellite service in order to protect the RNSS � Germany (Federal Republic of) AI9.1 2022-05-16
[ 266 ]
Working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic b) � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1 2022-05-16
[ 252 ]
Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[AS GUIDANCE] - Guidance on the implementation of technical and operational measures for the use of the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz by the Amateur and Amateur-satellite services in order to protect the RNSS � France AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 251 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4C - Report on progress of agenda item 9.1, topic b) for WRC-23 � France AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 250 ]
Proposals for modification of the working document towards a preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 b) � Russian Federation AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 245 ]
Proposed update of working document towards a preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic b) � Canada AI9.1B) 2022-05-13
[ 239 ]
Working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic b) � France , Germany (Federal Republic of) AI9.1B) 2022-04-29
[ 238 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � United States of America AI9.1C) 2022-04-26
[ 237 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � United States of America AI9.1C) 2022-04-27
[ 235 ]
Proposed draft CPM text for agenda item 9.1 topic c) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI9.1C) 2022-04-11
[ 223 ]
Proposal on the preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 topic c) � Russian Federation AI9.1 2021-11-08
[ 219 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 1.3 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) AI9.1 2021-11-08
[ 211 ]
Proposed way forward for agenda item 9.1 topic c) � South Africa (Republic of) AI9.1 2021-11-08
[ 198 ]
WRC-23: Issue 9.1, topic c) - Study the use of International Mobile Telecommunication systems for fixed wireless broadband in the frequency bands allocated to the Fixed Service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 175 (WRC-19) � ITU-APT Foundation of India AI9.1 2021-11-08
[ 187 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � United States of America AI9.1C) 2021-11-01
[ 178 ]
Proposed way forward on the terminology to be used under WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 Topic C � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI9.1C 2021-10-19
[ 153 ]
View and proposed way forward regarding work on WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 topic c) on the use of IMT technologies for fixed wireless broadband in the frequency bands allocated to the FS on a primary basis, taking into account the relevant ITU-R studies, Handbooks, Recommendations and Reports � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI9.1C) 2021-04-21
[ 124 ]
Considerations regarding the amateur service allocation in 1 240-1 300 MHz � Canada AI9.1B) 2021-04-21
[ 110 ]
Proposed liaison statement to Working Party 7C � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1A) 2021-04-20
[ 108 ]
Information for studies on WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 topic b) � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1B) 2021-04-20
[ 104 ]
WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic C) � United States of America AI9.1C) 2021-04-19
[ 98 ]
Preliminary positions on WRC-23 agenda � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1B), AI9.1A), AI1.2, AI1.18, AI1.14, AI1.12 2021-04-07
[ 86 ]
Proposal on WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, Topic C) � United Arab Emirates AI9.1 C) 2020-11-02
[ 66 ]
Information regarding WRC-23 agenda item 9,1 topic b) � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1 B) 2020-11-01
[ 59 ]
Organisation for topic C) under WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 - Studies on fixed wireless broadband applications that use International Mobile Telecommunication technologies in the frequency bands allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 175 (WRC-19) � Germany (Federal Republic of) , Finland , France , Hungary , Lithuania (Republic of) , Luxembourg , Norway , Sweden , Switzerland (Confederation of) , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI9.1 C) 2020-10-28
[ 58 ]
Proposed work plan for topic C) under WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 - Studies on fixed wireless broadband applications that use International Mobile Telecommunication technologies in the frequency bands allocated to the fixed service on a primary basis, in accordance with Resolution 175 (WRC-19) � Germany (Federal Republic of) , Finland , France , Hungary , Lithuania (Republic of) , Luxembourg , Norway , Sweden , Switzerland (Confederation of) , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI9.1 C) 2020-10-28
[ 43 ]
Parameters of unmanned amateur radio stations in Switzerland in the frequency range 1 240-1 300 MHz � Switzerland (Confederation of) AI9.1 B) 2020-10-23
[ 35 ]
Proposed liaison statement to contributing Working Parties regarding WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI9.1 2020-07-13
[ 21 ]
Preliminary considerations and proposal on WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic c) � China (People's Republic of) AI9.1 2020-07-13
[ 18 ]
Proposals for work towards WRC-23 agenda item 9,1 topic b) � International Amateur Radio Union AI9.1 2020-07-13
Resultats:37 documents
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