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[43]� Report of the meeting of Working Party 7A (Geneva, 25-31 October 2017)



Mise � disposition



64516 octets 2017-11-03 [43]�Annex 02- Working document towards preliminary draft new Report ITU-R TF.[UTC] - Content and structure of time signals to be disseminated by radiocommunication systems and various aspects of current and potential future reference time scales, including their impacts and applications in radiocommunication


50052 octets 2017-11-03 [43]�Annex 01- CGPM Draft Resolution "on the definition of time-scales"


57614 octets 2017-12-13 [43]�- Report on the meeting of Working Party 7A (Geneva, 25-31 October 2017)

Document :

UIT-R�WP7A� Contribution� 43

Titre :

Report of the meeting of Working Party 7A (Geneva, 25-31 October 2017)

Re�u le :


Source :

Chairman, WP 7A

Disponibilit� :

R�serv� aux utilisateurs TIES�[UIT-R]

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Mis � jour le :�2017-12-13