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UIT-R�TG5.1.AR� C�


Task Group 5/1

Resultats:27 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Brazil (Federative Republic of)�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 362 ]
Proposed edits to the draft CPM text on agenda item 1.13 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-08-10
[ 361 ]
Update on sharing and compatibility study between IMT systems and fixed-satellite service (Space-to-Earth) in the 37-42.5 GHz frequency band � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-08-10
[ 360 ]
Update on sharing and compatibility study between RAS in the 42.5-43.5 GHz frequency band and IMT systems operating in the 37-43.5 GHz frequency band � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-08-10
[ 334 ]
Update to study F on sharing and compatibility of FSS (space-to-earth) and IMT operating in the band 37-42.5 GHz � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 333 ]
Update to study a on sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems and FSS (earth-to-space) in the 42.5-43.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 332 ]
Update to sharing and compatibility studies between IMT-2020 and the fixed-satellite service in the band 47.2-50.2 GHz � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 256 ]
Proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studie sof FSSand IMT operating in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 255 ]
Update on proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studie sinthe 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range b etween IMT and FS � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 254 ]
Update on proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studies in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range between IMT and passive services in adjacent bands � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 253 ]
Update on proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studies in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range between IMT and ESS/SRS � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 252 ]
Sharing studies between IMT-2020 and the radio astronomy service in the 42.5-43.5 GHz band � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 251 ]
Proposals for the draft CPM text on agenda item 1.13 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-25
[ 242 ]
Sample size of a representatively large segment of the IMT network � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-24
[ 241 ]
On the convergence of Monte-Carlo approach for sharing and compatibility studies between IMT-2020 and other services � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-04-24
[ 217 ]
Proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studies of FSS and IMT operating in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-01-10
[ 216 ]
Sharing and compatibility studies between IMT-2020 and the fixed-satellite service in the band 47.2-50.2 GHz � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-01-10
[ 215 ]
Update to study A on sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems and FSS (Earth-to-space) in the 42.5-43.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-01-10
[ 214 ]
Proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studies in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range between IMT and FS � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-01-10
[ 213 ]
Proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studies in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range between IMT and EESS/SRS � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-01-10
[ 212 ]
Proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studies in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range between IMT and passive services in adjacent bands � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-01-10
[ 211 ]
Proposals for the draft CPM text on agenda item 1.13 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2018-01-10
[ 120 ]
Sharing studies between IMT-2020 and the fixed-satellite service in the bands 37-42.5 GHz and 42.5-43.5 GHz � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2017-09-12
[ 119 ]
Study of sharing and compatibility of FSS and IMT operating in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency band � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2017-09-12
[ 118 ]
Proposals on the working document for sharing and compatibility studies in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2017-09-12
[ 32 ]
Elements for the draft CPM Report to WRC-19 on agenda item 1.13 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2017-05-05
[ 31 ]
Proposal for a working document on sharing and compatibility studies of IMT systems in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2017-05-05
[ 8 ]
Proposal for organisation of the work within ITU-R TG 5/1 for the preparation of the studies relevant to WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2016-05-16
Resultats:27 documents
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