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[55]� Report on the thirty-third meeting of Working Party 4B (Geneva, 17-21 September 2012)



Mise � disposition



55264 octets 2012-10-01 [55]�Annex 11- Final list of participants


50659 octets 2012-10-01 [55]�Annex 10- Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Preliminary draft new Report on VSATS


44203 octets 2012-10-01 [55]�Annex 09- Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Generic access procedure


45565 octets 2012-10-01 [55]�Annex 08- Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5A and ITU-T Focus Group on Disaster relief systems, network resilience and recovery information about the use of FSS systems IN DISASTER RESPONSE AND RELIEF


213141 octets 2012-09-28 [55]�Annex 07- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[SAT-IMT-OUTCOME] - Outcome of the evaluation, consensus building and decision of the IMT-Advanced satellite process (Steps 4 to 7), including characteristics of IMT-Advanced satellite radio interfaces


6955473 octets 2012-09-28 [55]�Annex 06- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-ADVANCED-SAT] - Detailed specifications of the radio interfaces for the satellite component of International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced)


43848 octets 2012-10-01 [55]�Annex 05- Agenda for the joint session of Working Parties 4A and 4B on VSATs & Access Procedure


55574 octets 2012-10-01 [55]�Annex 04- List of documents issued


610075 octets 2012-09-21 [55]�Annex 03- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[VSAT] - Use of very small aperture terminals (VSATs) operating in fixed-satellite service networks


64356 octets 2012-09-21 [55]�Annex 02- Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[GENACC] - Access procedures for fixed-satellite service occasional use (OU) carrier earth station transmissions to geostationary-satellite orbit space stations


61966 octets 2012-10-01 [55]�Annex 01- Workplan for the thirty-third meeting of Working Party 4B (Geneva, 17-21 September 2012)


92663 octets 2012-10-15 [55]�- Report on the thirty-third meeting of Working Party 4B (Geneva, 17-21 September 2012)

Document :

UIT-R�WP4B� Contribution� 55

Titre :

Report on the thirty-third meeting of Working Party 4B (Geneva, 17-21 September 2012)

Re�u le :


Source :

Chairman, WP 4B

Disponibilit� :

R�serv� aux utilisateurs TIES�[UIT-R]

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Mis � jour le :�2012-10-15