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UIT-R�JTG4567-AR� C�


Groupe d'action mixte 4-5-6-7

Resultats:9 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Egypt (Arab Republic of)�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 608 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards a preliminary draft CPM text for agenda item 1.2 "OOBE level and channeling arrangements" � Bahrain (Kingdom of) , Egypt (Arab Republic of) , Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) , Kuwait (State of) , Sudan (Republic of the) , United Arab Emirates 2014-07-14
[ 607 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 "Views on methods to satisfy the agenda item" � Bahrain (Kingdom of) , Egypt (Arab Republic of) , Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of) , Kuwait (State of) , Oman (Sultanate of) , Sudan (Republic of the) , United Arab Emirates 2014-07-14
[ 481 ]
Proposals on working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) , United Arab Emirates 2014-02-13
[ 470 ]
Proposed modifications to working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 � Angola (Republic of) , Benin (Republic of) , Botswana (Republic of) , Burkina Faso , Cameroon (Republic of) , Comoros (Union of the) , C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) , Djibouti (Republic of) , Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2014-02-13
[ 439 ]
Views on candidate frequency bands under WRC-15 agenda item 1.1 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2014-02-13
[ 290 ]
Compatibility between the mobile service in the band 694-790 MHz and the broadcasting service operating below 694 MHZ � Bahrain (Kingdom of) , Egypt (Arab Republic of) , Kuwait (State of) , United Arab Emirates 2013-10-10
[ 270 ]
Proposals on working document towards preliminary draft CPM text for WRC-15 agenda item 1.2 � Bahrain (Kingdom of) , Egypt (Arab Republic of) , Kuwait (State of) , Oman (Sultanate of) , Qatar (State of) , United Arab Emirates 2013-10-10
[ 39 ]
WRC-15 Agenda item 1.2: Lower edge of the mobile allocation under Resolution 232 (WRC-12) � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2012-11-13
[ 18 ]
Working document toward a preliminary draft CPM text on Agenda item 1.2 � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2012-07-16
Resultats:9 documents
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