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Page d'accueil : UIT-R : WP7B : Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union


Syst�mes de radiocommunication spatiale

Resultats:7 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Japan�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 210 ]
Sharing study for Hibleo-type inter-satellite link in the 22.55-23.55 GHz band under WRC-12 Agenda item 1.11 � Japan 2010-05-31
[ 209 ]
Sharing studies between SRS and MSS in the 7 145-7 235 MHz and 8 400-8 500 MHz bands under WRC-12 Agenda item 1.25 � Japan 2010-05-31
[ 144 ]
Proposal for the modification of working document towards draft CPM text on WRC-12 Agenda item 1.11 � Japan 2009-08-26
[ 117 ]
Remaining issue regarding power flux density limits on the geostationary orbit in the band 25.5-27.0 GHz as contained in Recommendations ITU-R SA.1278 and ITU-R SA..1625 � Japan 2009-02-06
[ 116 ]
Proposed revision to the working document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SA.[26 GHz] - Guidelines for efficient use of the band 25.5-27.0 GHz between the Earth exploration-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and space research service (space-to Earth) � Japan 139/7 2009-02-06
[ 53 ]
Revision of working document towards draft CPM text on agenda item 1.12 (WRC-11) - Agenda item 1.12 (WP 7B / WP 4A, WP 5B, WP 5C, (WP 5A)) � Japan 211/7 2008-09-25
[ 52 ]
Revision of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SA.[SRS-MS (AERONAUTICAL) (37-38 GHz)] - Study on compatibility between the mobile service (aeronautical) and the space research service (space-to-earth) in the frequency band 37-38 GHz � Japan 211/7 2008-09-25
Resultats:7 documents
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