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Production des programmes et �valuation de la qualit�

Resultats:11 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�100/6�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 407 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[COLOUR] - Approaches of extended colour representation for television image systems � Japan 40-1/6, 100/6 2010-10-07
[ 373 ]
Further to Document 6C/293 "Basic reference specifications of low definition television (LDTV) image formats for which it may be necessary to tailor television programs" � Italy 100/6 2010-10-05
[ 263 ]
Proposal of an objective measurement method for SDTV video quality in the presence of a reduced reference � Japan 44/6, 100/6 2009-10-26
[ 193 ]
Proposal to develop a Recommendation for SDTV video quality measurement techniques in the presence of a reduced reference � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2009-04-22
[ 192 ]
Video quality comparison of PDP and LCD Full-HD TV monitors � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2009-04-22
[ 104 ]
Report on the performance of hybrid perceptual/bit-stream NR models � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2008-10-10
[ 103 ]
Video quality comparison on HD TV Monitors � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2008-10-10
[ 102 ]
Additional data analyses for the Yonsei reduced-reference models for mobile broadcasting � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2008-10-10
[ 101 ]
Additional data analyses for the Yonsei full-reference models for mobile broadcasting � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2008-10-10
[ 100 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Perceptual visual quality measurement techniques for mobile broadcasting in the presence of a reduced bandwidth reference � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2008-10-10
[ 99 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Objective perceptual video quality measurement for mobile broadcasting in the presence of a full reference � Korea (Republic of) 44/6, 100/6 2008-10-10
Resultats:11 documents
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