�[�Source:�SG 6�]��� |
[ 317 ]
� |
Proposal for action on some terms and definitions related to broadcasting
� |
SG 6 Rapporteur to the CCV
� |
2011-10-03 |
[ 309 ]
� |
Study Group 6 receives Emmy Award 2011 for Recommendation ITU-R BS.1770-2
� |
Chairman, SG 6
� |
2011-09-23 |
[ 255 ]
� |
Proposal to add a number of broadcasting terms, acronyms or definitions to the ITU terminology database
� |
SG 6 Rapp. to the CCV
� |
2011-03-23 |
[ 253 ]
� |
Definition of ENG and SNG
� |
SG 6 Rapp. to the CCV
� |
2011-03-11 |
[ 252 ]
� |
Definitions proposed in Documents 6/245 and 6B/247 for "Integrated MSS system" and "Hybrid satellite/terrestrial system"
� |
SG 6 Rapp. to the CCV
� |
2011-03-11 |
[ 247 ]
� |
Liaison statement from the CCV - Proposed definitions for "integrated MSS system" and "hybrid satellite/terrestrial system"
� |
SG 6
� |
2010-12-13 |
[ 218 ]
� |
Relating to the work of Joint Task Group 5-6
� |
Chairman, SG 6
� |
2010-08-26 |
[ 175 ]
� |
Proposal to add a number of broadcasting terms, acronyms and definitions in the ITU terminology database
� |
SG 6 Rapporteur to the CCV
� |
2010-02-26 |
[ 167 ]
� |
Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R BT.2049-3 - Broadcasting of multimedia and data applications for mobile reception
� |
Chairman SG 6
� |
2010-01-20 |
[ 166 ]
� |
Preliminary draft revision of Question ITU-R 126/6 - Recommended operating practices to tailor television programme material to broadcasting applications at various image quality levels and sizings
� |
Chairman, SG 6
� |
2010-01-20 |
[ 135 ]
� |
Report of the Rapporteur of Study Group 6 to the CCV
� |
SG 6 Rapporteur to the CCV
� |
2009-10-26 |
[ 77 ]
� |
Proposal to add a number of further new terms related to broadcasting to the ITU Terminology Database
� |
SG 6 Rapporteur to the CCV
� |
2009-03-30 |
[ 71 ]
� |
Additional information on treatment of literature of former Working Party 6S
� |
Rapporteur on BSS between SG 6 and SG 4
� |
2009-01-13 |
[ 43 ]
� |
Proposal to ADD a number of terms related to broadcasting to the ITU terminology database
� |
SG 6 Rapporteur to the CCV
� |
2008-10-02 |
[ 38 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5C (copy to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7B and 7D for information) - Harmonization of spectrum for use by terrestrial electronic news gathering systems
� |
SG 6
� |
2008-06-23 |
[ 10 ]
� |
Information on the interim structure of Study Group 6 - Broadcasting service
� |
Chairman, SG 6
� |
2008-04-07 |
[ 4 ]
� |
Proposed criteria for appointment of Working Group Chairmen
� |
Vice-Chairman, SG 6
� |
2008-03-10 |
Resultats:17 documents
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