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Distribution de la radiodiffusion de Terre

Resultats:6 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Vatican City State�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 470 ]
Radio receivers for broadcasting services - Proposed addition to Recommendations ITU-R BS.774, ITU-R BO.789, ITU-R BS.1114 and ITU-R BS.1348 � Italy , Vatican City State 60/6 2011-04-05
[ 411 ]
Digital Radio Mondiale field trials in Rome for local coverage using the 26 MHz band � Italy , Vatican City State 64-1/6, 60/6, 52-1/6, 127/6 2010-10-07
[ 400 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[PLT REC] - Protection requirements for broadcasting systems operating in the bands below 30 MHz against radiation from PLT systems � Italy , Vatican City State 2010-10-05
[ 310 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[PLT REC] - Protection requirements for broadcasting systems operating in the LF, MF, HF and VHF bands against radiation from PLT systems � Italy , Vatican City State 2010-03-26
[ 304 ]
Proposed draft revision to Recommendation ITU-R BS.1514-1 - System for digital sound broadcasting in the broadcasting bands below 30 MHz � Italy , Vatican City State 60/6 2010-03-08
[ 206 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R BS.1514 urging availability of multi-standard - multi band radio receivers with extended functionalities � Italy , Vatican City State 2009-07-02
Resultats:6 documents
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