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Syst�mes hertziens fixes; syst�mes en ondes d�cam�triques du service fixe et du service mobile terrestre

Resultats:20 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�WP 5B�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 601 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5C regarding the selection of "tuning ranges" for electronic news gathering ("ENG") equipment � WP 5B 2011-11-16
[ 527 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5C regarding the selection of "tuning ranges" for electronic news gathering ("ENG") equipment � WP 5B 2011-06-17
[ 459 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5C - WP 5B comments to be included in the combined WP 5A, 5B and 5C response to WP 1A relating to PLT systems � WP 5B 2010-11-18
[ 383 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5C - Harmonization of spectrum for use by terrestrial electronic news gathering systems - WRC-12 Agenda item 1.5 � WP 5B 2010-05-13
[ 382 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5C - Progress of work on WRC-12 Agenda item 1.20 � WP 5B 2010-05-13
[ 309 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5C on sharing between potential aeronautical mobile service applications and the fixed service in the band 37-38 GHz � WP 5B 2009-12-15
[ 308 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 5A and 5C - Compatibility studies between radiolocation and mobile and fixed services in the band 30-300 MHz (WRC-12 Agenda item 1.14) � WP 5B 2009-12-11
[ 299 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5A (copy to Working Party 5C for information) - Protection criteria and system parameters for land mobile systems operating between 3 and 50 MHz � WP 5B 2009-11-30
[ 215 ]
Liaison statement - Proection criteria and system parameters for fixed and mobile systems operating between 3 and 50 MHz � WP 5B 2009-05-25
[ 214 ]
Reply Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5C - Aircraft stations deployment scenario for simulation refinements for the derivation of a PDF mask for the protection of the fixed service in the 37-38 GHz band � WP 5B 2009-05-25
[ 142 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 5A, 7D and 6A (copy to Working Parties 5C and 7B for information) on studies related to WRC-11 Agenda item 1.15 � WP 5B 2008-12-03
[ 136 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7B, 4A and 5C - Information regarding aeronautical mobile applications used or planned in the band 37-38 GHz, including technical characteristics and protection criteria � WP 5B 2008-11-18
[ 135 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 5A, copies to Working Parties 5C, 6A on studies realted to WRC-11 Agenda item 1.23 � WP 5B 2008-11-17
[ 134 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B (copy to Working Parties 5A, 5C and 6A) - Compatibility studies between radiolocation and space research service � WP 5B 2008-11-17
[ 133 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6A (copies to Working Party 5A, Working Party 5C, Working Party 7B and Working Party 7D for information) - Consider possible allocations in the frequency range 3-50 MHz to the radiolocation service for oceanographic radar applications � WP 5B 2008-11-17
[ 132 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 5A and 5C (copy to Working Parties 6A and 7B) - Initial considerations on compatibility between proposed new systems in the radiolocation service in bands 138-144 MHz and 154-156 MHz and other services operating in these bands � WP 5B 2008-11-17
[ 131 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6A (copy to Working Parties 5A and 5C) - On a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the portion of the band 30-300 MHz � WP 5B 2008-11-17
[ 122 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 5A (and copy to WP 5C for information) on the study of Software-Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Systems and their potential impact to the maritime mobile service including Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS); Aeronautical mobile service and radiodetermination service � WP 5B 2008-10-31
[ 28 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 5A, 5C, 6D, 7A and 7D - Sharing studies required for WRC-11 Agenda item 1.15 � WP 5B 2008-03-04
[ 27 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 5A and 5C - Compatibility studies between radiolocation and mobile/fixed service in the band 30-300 MHz � WP 5B 2008-02-15
Resultats:20 documents
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