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Propagation point-�-point et Terre-espace

Resultats:5 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�206/3�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 165 ]
Information document to prepare contribution to a draft new Recommendation on building materials or a new Recommendation for satellite-to-indoor propagation � European Space Agency (ESA) 206/3 2010-11-03
[ 91 ]
Information document concerning eventual new Recommendation for satellite-to-indoor links and a new formatted table for ITU Study Group 3 databanks - Propagation data required for the design of satellite-to-indoor telecommunication and navigation systems � European Space Agency (ESA) , Austria , Finland , Spain 206/3 2009-05-25
[ 90 ]
Narrow-band data for ITU-R Study Group 3 databank Table VII-2 narrow-band statistics of maritime mobile-satellite links - Datasets for Study Group 3 databank tables from 2 narrow-band experiments one at S-band and another one at Ka-band � European Space Agency (ESA) , Belgium 206/3 2009-05-25
[ 89 ]
Information document supporting the draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.681-7 - Correspondence group summary and complexity reduction in simulations of LMS Multipath channels - executive summary � European Space Agency (ESA) , Germany (Federal Republic of) 206/3 2009-05-25
[ 72 ]
Information document on the prediction of time diversity in terrestrial LOS links operating above 10 GHz � Greece 206/3 2009-05-21
Resultats:5 documents
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