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Syst�mes de radiocommunication spatiale

Resultats:3 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�118/7�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 76 ]
Proposed disposition of Doc. 7B/61, Annex 2 - Criteria and calculation method to establish requirements to coordinate SRS and EESS applications operating in a DRS network with space networks of other services in the band 22.55 - 23.55 GHz and 25.25 - 27.5 GHz � United States of America 118/7 2005-02-25
[ 75 ]
Criteria and calculation method to determine the level of interference to geostationary data relay satellites from the emissions of fixed-satellite service earth stations operating in the 27.0 - 27.5 GHz band � United States of America 118/7 2005-02-25
[ 71 ]
Proposed changes to preliminary draft new Recommendation on maximum allowable degradation to radiocommunication links of the space research and space operation services arising from interference from emissions and radiations from other sources � European Space Agency 118/7 2005-02-24
Resultats:3 documents
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