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[39]� Chairman's Report for Working Party 6E (Geneva, 22-29 September 2003)



Mise � disposition



62464 octets 2003-11-27 [39]�Annex 18- Example of revision of Resolution 63 (Rev. WRC-03) - Protection of radiocommunication services against interference caused by radiation from power line transmission (PLT) systems, industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) equipment, and short-range devic


62464 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 17- Decision - Appointment of a Rapporteur to Draft a report on the transition from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting


57856 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 16- Decision - Establishment of a Rapporteur Group on Guidelines and Techniques for Evaluation of DTTB systems


58880 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 15- Decision - Establishment of a Rapporteur Group on improved coverage prediction methods for DTTB networks


58368 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 14- Decision - Establishment of a Rapporteur Group on planning criteria for digital terrestrial services in the VHF/UHF bands


56320 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 13- LS to ISO, IEC and ITU-T SG 5 - Evaluating fields from terrestrial broadcasting transmitting systems operating in any frequency band for assessing exposure to non-ionizing radiation


62464 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 12- LS to WP 6S on initiation towards the establishment of a Rapporteurs' Group - Protection of the terrestrial broadcasting service from multiple satellite broadcasting systems in the band 620-790 MHz


59904 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 11- LS to WP's 8A and 9C - Proposal for the establishment of a JRG for coordinated development of documentation from the ITU-R on WRC-07 Agenda item 1.13 (Res. 544 WRC-03) (HF in the 4-10 MHz portion of the spectrum)


59904 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 10- LS to WP 1A - Assessment of interference from PLT, ISM equipment and short-range devices into terrestrial broadcasting systems


101376 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 9- LS to WP 3K - Planning factors for mobile and handheld reception of digital terrestrial television


238080 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 8- PDN Report - Protection requirements for terrestrial broadcasting services in the 620-790 MHz band against potential interference from HEO broadcasting satellite systems

Zip (Document)

2646325 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 7- PDN Report - Coverage prediction methods and planning software for digital terrestrial television broadcasting (DTTB) networks


274432 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 6- PDN Report ITU-R BT.[Doc. 6/29] - Analogue television systems used in various countries/geographical areas


436736 octets 2003-11-27 [39]�Annex 5- Preliminary Addition to Draft New Recommendation ITU-R BS.[Doc. 6/378] - Technical basis for planning of terrestrial digital sound broadcasting in the VHF band - New Annex for digital system F


1014272 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 4- PDNR ITU-R BT.[Doc. 6/38] - Characteristics of radiated signals of analogue television systems


119808 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 3- List of output documents


49664 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 2- List of documents issued


47616 octets 2003-10-31 [39]�Annex 1- Final list of participants


61952 octets 2004-01-30 [39]�Corrigendum 1 Annex 17


97280 octets 2003-11-27 [39]�- Report of the first meeting of Working Party 6E

Document :

UIT-R�WP6E� Contribution� 39

Titre :

Chairman's Report for Working Party 6E (Geneva, 22-29 September 2003)

Re�u le :


Source :

Chairman, WP 6E

Disponibilit� :

R�serv� aux utilisateurs TIES�[UIT-R]

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