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[90]� Draft new Report ITU-R SM.[UWB.XYZ] - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on Radiocommunications Services



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815104 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 08- Characteristics and protection criteria of radiocommunication services

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2285403 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 07- Test measurements related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within radiocommunication services


846336 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 06- Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra wideband technology on systems operating within the Earth exploration satellite, space research service - Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS)


1998336 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 05- Impact of UWB systems on terrestrial broadcasting

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653578 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 05- Impact of UWB systems on terrestrial broadcasting


3900416 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 04- Studies related to the impact of devices ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the mobile-satellite service (MSS) and the radio navigation satellite service (RNSS)

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1244751 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 04- Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the mobile-satellite service (MSS) and the radio navigation satellite service (RNSS)


769024 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 03- Studies related to the impact of devices using Ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the fixed-satellite service


4817920 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 02- Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on sytems operating within the fixed service (FS)

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2981016 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 02- Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the fixed service (FS)


6011904 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 01- Land mobile services except IMT-2000

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2225801 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�Annex 01- Land mobile services except IMT-2000


2482176 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�- Draft new Report ITU-R SM.[UWB.XYZ] - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the mobile service

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927825 octets 2005-10-24 [90]�- Draft new Report ITU-R SM.[UWB.XYZ] - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on systems operating within the mobile service

Document :

UIT-R�SG01� Contribution� 90

Titre :

Draft new Report ITU-R SM.[UWB.XYZ] - Studies related to the impact of devices using ultra-wideband technology on Radiocommunications Services

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Source :

TG 1/8

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R�serv� aux utilisateurs TIES�[UIT-R]

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Mis � jour le :�2005-10-24