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Syst�mes post�rieurs aux IMT-2000

Resultats:21 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�WP 8F�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 914 ]
Chairman's report and annexes on the meeting of Working Party 8F ( Porto Seguro, 26 March - 3 April 2003) � Chairman, WP 8F 2003-04-16
[ 894 ]
Workflow & dependencies in WP 8F deliverables � Management Team, WP 8F 2003-03-20
[ 845 ]
Texts on migration needing further study within WP 8F � Chairman, WP 8F 2003-02-20
[ 827 ]
Report on the 9th meeting of Working Party 8F (Geneva, 25 September to 2 October 2002) � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-10-15
[ 757 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-VIS] - Vision framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT-2000 and of systems beyond IMT-2000 � Chairman, Vision WG, WP 8F 2002-09-16
[ 728 ]
Chairman's Report of the 8th meeting of Working Party 8F (Ottawa, 29 May - 5 June 2002) � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-08-01
[ 712 ]
WP 8F meeting schedule and meeting cycles � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 623 ]
Chairman's Report 7th meeting, Queenstown 27.02-5-03.2002 � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 620 ]
WP 8F Management team - Availability of contributions after the target meeting � Management Team, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 489 ]
Report of the Sixth Meeting of WP 8F- Tokyo, 10-16 October 2001 � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 378 ]
Responses to IMT-2000 Questionnaire � WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 375 ]
Chairman's Report of the fifth meeting of Working Party 8F (Stockholm 27 June - 3 July 2001) � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 277 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R WP 8F - SSG meeting (Geneva, 7-11 May 2001) � Liaison Rapporteur to ITU-R WP 8F for the SSG 2002-02-27
[ 268 ]
Chairman's Report of the Fourth Meeting of ITU-R Working Party 8F, Rabat, 21-27 February 2001 � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 236 ]
Updated work programme � WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 206 ]
Discussion and proposal related to Document 8F/204 (Attachment 2) � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 184 ]
Report of the Third Meeting of Working Party 8F (Geneva, 23-27 October 2000) � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 134 ]
Updated work programme � Vice-Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 63 ]
Report of the second meeting of Working Party 8F (San Diego, 21-25 August 2000) � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 46 ]
The enhancement of existing IMT-2000 terrestrial radio technologies through a defined process for updating Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
[ 2 ]
Chairman, Working Party 8F - Report of the First Meeting of Working Party 8F (Geneva, 7-10 March 2000) � Chairman, WP 8F 2002-02-27
Resultats:21 documents
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